Sunday, July 31, 2011

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Oral health | Health Tips and Fitness

Once Phyllis Diller beautifully said ?A smile is a curve that sets everything straight,? thus a wide Smile reflects the wide amount of happiness in you. Smile is an important element of your personality. A white teeth smile charms your personality while that of off white or yellow teeth smile may be considered as a hindering factor in your beauty. Oral health is regarded as one of the most important factor resulting in physical health as mouth is a medium through which we intake food. ?Thus maintain a good mouth and beautiful smile is an important factor to enhance your personality and health too.

One should preserve good oral health by practicing regular dental care habits and visiting dentist regularly. Brushing provides beautiful and healthy teeth which guarantees oral health. But brushing isn?t enough as it can?t reach some inner places between the teeth and areas under gum line. This enables to generate the plaque, thus intimidating oral health. Flossing eradicates those particles guarantying effective oral health. Brushing and flossing are the mainstays of good dental care and oral health. In addition to those, you should also want to consider some other oral health tips.


Here are certain oral tips which add charm to your personality.

Brushing tips

Tip 1: Brushing twice a day, if possible after every meal with a fluoride contained toothpaste using soft bristled toothbrush.

Tip 2: Appropriate brushing style is holding the toothbrush at a slight angle against the teeth using short back and forth motions.

Tip 3: Brush the teeth for about two minutes every time.

Tip 4: Brush your tongue too

Tip 5: Do not forcefully or harshly scrub the gums, it can be harmed.

Tip 6: Replace the tooth brush every three to four months.

Tip 7: Consider using an electric toothbrush, especially if you have arthritis or other problems that make it difficult to brush well.

Flossing Tips

Tip 1: The first tip is to ease the floss gently into your teeth, pull the floss gently back and front forming C, floss back of the tooth.

Tip 2: Softly pull the floss from the gum line to the apex of the tooth to eradicate plaque.

Tip 3: Use fresh floss as you progress through your teeth.

Tip 4: Try waxed floss if flossing turns problematic.

Tip 5: Try floss holder if it?s hard to control the floss.

Some other oral health tips:

Tip 1: Dental pick or dental stick enables to clean between the teeth guarantying oral health.

Tip 2: Mouth rinse help reduce plaque between the teeth.

Tip 3: Oral irrigators or devices aim to stream water of the teeth to remove food particles

Tip 4: Avoid using toothpicks or objects that aren?t made to clean your teeth

A healthy mouth is a route to healthy physical health. Early detection and treatment of oral health problems can ensure a lifetime of good oral health. As someone appropriately said, prevention is better than cure, thus following the above tips enables effective oral health, healthy body and a beautiful smile.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Police: Cannabis on busy Vienna thoroughfare

(AP) ? Vienna police have shut down an unusual cannabis "ring" ? hemp growing along the Austrian capital's busy Ring Street encircling the city's center.

Alerted by a news article about the illegal crop, police officers on Friday plucked a 200-meter (yard) stretch of green space along the three-lane street clean of the offending plants.

They acted after a Viennese biology student walking along the Ringstrasse identified the green sprouts poking through bark mulch beneath the stately trees seaming the street and told the Heute about his discovery.

Police are investigating.

Associated Press


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In This Article We Are Going To Be Looking At The Trypnaural ...

No doubt you can find all different sorts of programs and meditation music online, but what actually works? And due to this I thought I would have a much deeper look at the actual Trypnaural Meditation Program.

One of the primary things you should know relating to this program is that it does not take years to master like a great number of other programs. While you will like how fast you can get results the techniques you learn can also be rather impressive. For most meditations to be powerful it can take hours but this program can get you results in just a few minutes. Meaning with just a few minutes each day you will be able to eliminate stress from your life.

This program was created by a person who is actually a musician and a scientist with a masters degree and has also had instruction in ancient Indian Vedic and Gregorian music. Not only is this a very professional method but the results you will see are quicker than you will find with virtually any other meditation program available.

Another thing you will learn with this program is exactly how and why meditation is so useful at getting rid of stress. Also the reality that this system is based on research as well as science makes it probably the most complete program available. He has left absolutely nothing out of this method because he included everything he has learned.

Listed here are a few things you will receive once you join this program. You are going to receive over 2 hours of ultra high end meditations, 4 hours of deep meditation tracks along with a couple of guides which will show you how to use everything else you will end up receiving. There is something else that you will be given when you join and that is a free membership for the Alchemy Sound Therapy membership site.

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Why don't women leave abusive relationships? | Relationships and ...

Domestic abuse is a threat to us all. Whether we are the victims, innocent bystanders, or family members, we all face this real danger. Discover why victims stay and why it?s sometimes safer to stay with an abuser. Discover how this can happen to your mother, sister, daughter, or best friend.
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TAA for Farmers ? Southern Risk Management Education Center ...

Many of the TAA participants have finished training, submitted approved Initial Business Plans and are working with a consultant on the final phase of the program ? the Long Term Business Plan.? We have hundreds of consultants out in the field working hard to help the participants get started and finish this final step.? A few things to note as most are moving into this final phase or will be in the upcoming months:

Click link below to read full and original article

TAA for Farmers ? Southern Risk Management Education Center

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Friday, July 29, 2011

UN imposes sanctions on Pakistani Taliban (Providence Journal)

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House nears vote on GOP debt bill; Dems oppose (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Partisan to the core, Congress groped uncertainly Friday for a way to avoid a government default threatened for early next week. "We are almost out of time," warned President Barack Obama as U.S. financial markets trembled.

At one end of the Capitol, Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans pushed toward a vote on veto-threatened legislation rewritten overnight to win the support of conservative holdouts demanding action on a constitutional balanced-budget amendment.

At the same time, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid worked on an alternative bill to cut spending by $2.2 trillion and raise the debt limit by $2.7 trillion. That would be enough to meet Obama's terms that it tide the Treasury over until 2013.

The final result ? the White House and Reid calling for compromise while criticizing Republicans as the deadline drew near ? was anything but certain.

Boehner's measure would provide a quick $900 billion increase in borrowing authority ? essential for the U.S. to keep paying all its bills after next Tuesday ? and $917 billion in spending cuts. After the bill's latest alteration, any future increases in the debt limit would be contingent on Congress approving the constitutional amendment and sending it to the states for ratification.

"With conservatives insisting on the addition of a balanced-budget amendment requirement, Speaker Boehner's bill will now cut, cap and balance" federal spending, said Rep. Jeff Flake of Arizona as Friday's scheduled vote approached.

The White House called the bill a non-starter. "'Amend the Constitution or default' is a highly dangerous game to play," said press secretary Jay Carney, and Democrats said they would scuttle it as soon as it arrived in the Senate.

Reid, inviting Republicans to suggest changes, said, "This is likely our last chance to save this nation from default."

At the same time Reid appealed for bipartisanship, he and other party leaders accused Boehner of caving in to extremists in the GOP ranks ? "the last holdouts of the tea party," Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois called them.

The developments occurred one day after Boehner was forced to postpone a vote in the House for fear the earlier version of his measure would suffer a defeat. But by forcing a delay the conservative rebels upended the leadership's strategy of making their bill the only one that could clear Congress before a default and win Obama's reluctant signature.

"Everybody acknowledges that because of the dust-up yesterday we've lost some leverage," said Rep. Steven LaTourette, R-Ohio, an ally of the speaker.

The rebels said they were more worried about stemming the nation's steady rise of red ink.

Rep. Jeff Landry, R-La., a, a first-term lawmaker, issued a statement saying his pressure had paid off.

"The American people have strongly renewed their November calls of bringing fiscal sanity to Washington. I am blessed to be a vehicle driving their wishes to fruition," he said. "This plan is not a Washington deal but a real solution to fundamentally change the way Washington operates."

Administration officials say that without legislation in place by Tuesday, the Treasury will no longer be able to pay all its bills. The result could inflict significant damage on the economy, they add, causing interest rates to rise and financial markets to sink.

Executives from the country's biggest banks met with U.S. Treasury officials to discuss how debt auctions will be handled if Congress fails to raise the borrowing limit before Tuesday's deadline.

But Carney said the administration did not plan to provide the public with details Friday on how the government will prioritize payments.

The day's economic news wasn't very upbeat to begin with ? an economy that grew at an annual rate of only 1.3 percent in the second quarter of the year.

Investors weren't impressed with either the economy or the efforts in Washington.

The Dow Jones industrial average appeared headed for a sixth straight day of losses, and bond yields fell as investors sought safer investments in the event of a default.

At the White House, Obama cited the potential toll on the economy as he urged lawmakers to find a way out of gridlock.

He said that for all the partisanship, the two sides were not that far apart. Both agree on initial spending cuts to take effect in exchange for an increase in the debt limit, he said, as well as on a way to consider additional reductions in government benefit programs in the coming months.

"And if we need to put in place some kind of enforcement mechanism to hold us all accountable for making these reforms, I'll support that, too, if it's done in a smart and balanced way," he said.

That went to the crux of the conflict ? his insistence that Congress raise the government's borrowing authority by enough to avoid a repeat of the current crisis during the heat of the 2012 election campaigns.

Republicans have resisted, accusing him of injecting purely political considerations into the debt limit negotiations.

But Boehner's failure to line up the votes for his legislation Thursday night seemed to embolden Democrats.

Obama asked his 9.4 million followers on Twitter to send tweets to Republican lawmakers.

"The time for putting party first is over. If you want to see a bipartisan (hash)compromise, let Congress know. Call. Email. Tweet," Obama wrote in a tweet, signed "-BO."

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky saw it all differently.

"Democrats are out bragging about how they're going to prolong this crisis instead of doing the hard work of trying to solve it," he said. "And that includes the president," whom he accused of blowing up a bipartisan deal that had been negotiated last weekend.


Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor, Donna Cassata, Alan Fram, Jim Kuhnhenn, Erica Werner and Ben Feller contributed to this report.


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Information In Respect To Federal Student Loans ? Prudent Articles

For thousands who want to attend college federal student loans are a necessity to cover tuition. The financial assistance does come with rules for its use, application deadlines, borrowing limits and rules for paying it back. It is important that potential borrowers understand all of this before applying.

There are two types of loan programs; subsidized and unsubsidized. Each program has maximum amounts that can be borrowed each semester depending on the program and school the borrower is enrolled in. Borrowers need to be aware of these limits and plan their finances accordingly. If the student can not borrow enough there are also federal loans parents can take for their child?s education.

Potential borrowers should also know there are deadlines to apply for money. These deadlines vary by semester so it is important to check with the college?s financial aid office to ensure an on time application. These funds are on a first come, first serve basis so it is important not to delay.

The funds do come with a condition; they can only be used for the person attending college. Tuition, textbooks, a computer, room and board, transportation and dependent childcare are the main way these funds can be utilized. Anything beyond this is not acceptable.

All funding must be paid back with interest to the government, thankfully they give borrowers several options on how to do this. The first method is the differed program. For young students this is the best option because they will not have to make payments until they have left school. The second way to pay back money is to immediately begin payments while in college. For those who have some income it could mean paying back the money much faster and less interest paid overall.

Federal student loans are a common resource for those looking for higher education funding. Speaking to the financial aid office is an important step to understanding and estimating all the monetary needs of a student. They will also help out with the many steps in the application process.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Assistant Controller




Ross Environmental Services, Inc., a pioneer in the hazardous and industrial waste management industry for more than 50 years, is currently seeking an Assistant Controller.?


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We offer a complete benefit package including: medical insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, flexible spending accounts, long term disability, short term disability, life insurance,?paid vacation, ten paid holidays?and an employer matched 401(k) plan.?


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Te requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required.


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  • Prepare financial reports and presentations for meetings with management staff and Board of Directors.
  • Prepare ad hoc analysis as requested by management to evaluate new business growth opportunities and provide meaningful business and financial insight to support or dismiss the opportunity.
  • Ability to participate on cross-organizational teams seeking to improve financial and/or operating performance across the whole company as required with particular focus on financial systems enhancements .
  • Demonstrated project management experience with the ability to manage multiple assignments under time constraints; willingness to work through completion of projects.
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  • Self-starting, proactive individual that is comfortable working independently and in teams.
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Home Online Business- a Few Tips | Small Business Accounting ...

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Baby Shower Invitations ? Don't Neglect the Details!

This article has been viewed 5 times.

The words ?baby shower? stir up thoughts of giggles, games and good times. People enjoy looking back fondly on these possibilities to share in the arrival of a loved one?s baby. Along with turning it into an ideal event with games and decorations, the baby shower invitation you ultimately choose also plays a significant role in the joyous celebration. Even though, baby shower invitations may appear like a tiny fine detail in the party planning process, the ideal baby shower invitation may help stimulate the rest of the party in a number of ways, from theme to color and everything in between!

Baby shower invitations might appear to be a minor portion of the overall plan for the event however it?s actually a chance for the planners and the mom-to-be to offer some information. Of course, the invitations should include, the place, the date and the time of the baby shower. Yet, why not make use of the opportunity to inform potential shower attendees about the baby, mom and plans? You can, for instance, include the expected due date or the planned delivery date.

Customizing the invitation means that the recipient will have a keepsake of the event. Be sure you mail them well before the shower date. With the busy lifestyle so many people lead these days, it?s best to give potential shower attendees plenty of time to plan.

A few decades ago, those baby shower planners often made guest list and then eventually split up the list among many people and called those invited guests on the list. This helps save a lot on the cost of postage; yet, a written card implies that fewer people will forget the particular specifics such as the date, time and the place where the event is to be held.

You can of course create your own baby shower cards and you might want to come up with your own wording or poem. You can actually make baby girl shower invitations or baby boy shower invitations.

To know more details about Baby Shower Invitations, you can go to this page right now:

Related posts:

  1. Have An Easy Breezy Baby Shower Planning With These Guidelines
  2. Things To Consider When Planning A Baby Shower
  3. Planning for Baby Shower
  4. Birthday Invitations Can Be Quite A Bit Of Fun To Make Or Purchase
  5. Choosing A Baby Shower Theme
This article was prepared for you by Holden U. Verderame, one of our 'Contributors'.
Visit this authors profile page and learn more about them & the articles they write.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to Roast Your Own Coffee Beans Cookbook Review + Recipe from ...

2011-07-27-CanItBottleIt.jpg2011-07-27-CanItBottleIt1.jpgPrepare for your mind to explode. Ready?

Homemade cornflakes, DIY coffee beans, real hot dogs, slow-fermented miso, crystallized ginger. All made at home without any fancy equipment. And these are just a handful of the projects in the book!

Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It is Karen Solomon's follow-up book to her widely popular Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It, and it doesn't disappoint.

2011-07-27-CanItBottleIt2.jpgCan It, Bottle It, Smoke It takes our DIY home-cooking projects to the next level. There are recipes for pantry staples in here that never in our wildest dreams did we imagine could be made at home without lots of special equipment or fancy techniques. That cornflake breakfast cereal is the perfect example. Homemade chipotles en adobo is another.

Solomon breaks these projects down into their most basic parts, explaining each step or cooking concept clearly and patiently. Something like roasting coffee beans can seem overwhelming to the uninitiated, but Solomon cuts to the chase with easy instructions requiring only a dutch oven and a hot stove. Her recipe head notes often make me laugh out loud and set the tone for the project ahead. (Example: "Go out right now and make friends with people who have a lemon tree. Be nice to them.")

The book has a good mix of projects, too. In addition to the kinds of basic pantry staples already mentioned, we get recipes for Smoke and Chocolate Spice Rub, Plum Catsup, English Muffins, Crunchy Lentil Snacks, and Strawberry Black Pepper Syrup. Whatever your mood, however much time you have, there's guaranteed to be a project here to fit the bill.

This is an excellent book and resource for those of us who've been bitten by the DIY bug. You'll make these recipes again and again, and you'll thank yourself every time.

? Find It! Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It And Other Kitchen Projects by Karen Solomon, $17 on Amazon

Coffee Beans
Makes 7 ounces
Time commitment?: about 20 minutes

If you are serious about/obsessed with roasting your own coffee, numerous manufacturers are standing by to take your money for hardcore roasting machinery. Also - much like bong building - coffee roasting seems to lend itself to home hardware hobbyists: look no further than your local laptop to find people hacking popcorn makers and more ("Dude, let me show you my new vacuum cleaner-powered coffee roaster. It's AWESOME!"). For those of you who just want to test the waters and keep it simple, I am happy to report that you need nothing more than a heavy pan, green coffee beans, and a wooden spoon. Oh, and an exhaust fan: coffee is a spitting, steam-producing dragon in the kitchen, and good ventilation is an absolute must. If you can't find green beans at your local health food store, buy them online from,, or a host of other retailers.


8 ounces green coffee beans

Place a large metal bowl in the freezer to chill. Activate your kitchen?s best ventilation: open windows and doors, turn on fans?whatever you have. This is a must!

I recommend using an uncovered Dutch oven with a heavy bottom for roasting your beans: the high sides will help reduce the mess from the popping coffee hulls. However, if you don?t have one, a cast-iron or other heavy skillet will suffice.

Place the beans in the cold pan, put the pan over medium heat, and start stirring with a sturdy wooden spoon. You will need to stir constantly throughout the entire roasting process: you are trying to keep the heat as even as possible among all of the beans throughout the roast.

After about 5 minutes, the beans will begin to crack and smoke. About 10 minutes more, and the beans will be turning chestnut in color: a very light roast. Ten to fifteen minutes beyond that (30 minutes total), and you?ll have a dark, nearly black roast. If you like a medium roast, you?ll stop somewhere in the middle. Note that you need to take the beans off the heat a little bit before they turn the color you like: they will continue to roast a little after you stop the cooking process.

Once the beans are just a shade lighter than the color you desire, take them off the heat. They will continue to color slightly until you pour them into the chilled bowl and stir constantly for about 3 minutes. Rotate the bowl to cool down the beans quickly and evenly. Then pour the beans into a colander, place the colander over the bowl, and stir for another minute or so to sift out the flyaway hulls.

Your coffee is ready to be ground and brewed as usual, though it will be much better if you wait until the next day to grind it.

How to Store It The roasted, cooled whole beans can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature, and the coffee will be at its best, for up to 2 weeks.

Apartment Therapy Media makes every effort to test and review products fairly and transparently. The views expressed in this review are the personal views of the reviewer and this particular product review was not sponsored or paid for in any way by the manufacturer or an agent working on their behalf. However, the manufacturer did give us the product for testing and review purposes.

(Reprinted with permission from Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It And Other Kitchen Projects by Karen Solomon, copyright ? 2011. Published by Ten Speed Press, a division of Random House, Inc.; Photo credit: Angie Cao ? 2011)


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Get Incredible Results With Pest Control Melourne | AutoRoll ...

Just like the old saying goes, prevention is always far better than cure. When it comes to any pest problems including the rat infestation, this old clich? is still best suited. It is nice to have a very good management of your pest concerns right at the very start of discovering the problem. It is sad but true but many of us do not actually take the presence of the rats seriously. Upon seeing one rat at home will surely alarm us but in the long run we just end up being pestered by them since we are not able to make immediate resolution.


We actually tend to get stocked on wishing and doing nothing at all. When the rat infestation had been at its worst extent in our households, we all become emotional and feel so much embarrassed to our own recklessness yet we still do nothing at all. What danger it could actually bring? This is the big question mark. We canspeculate that it is so quick and simple to get rid but we never really do anything solve the problem. In the meantime, while we are so busy with our own activities, the rats certainly multiply and spread out to pester us.


By now, we necessitate the service of?Pest Control Melbourne?to perform the rat removal appropriately.We cannot afford to do it on our own since we are not experts enough to totally eradicate them. A professional pest extermination service will surely be of big help to create a pest free zone at home. Have a non stressful, practical and smart way to get rid of pest and get the total relief that you need. It is already proven that hiring a reliable pest control service is definitely very much safe and rewarding.


Having the ever reliablePest Control Melbourneto eradicate the pest in your household will surely make you save more time, energy and money. The pest control company certainly has all the sufficient and appropriate training that is required to skillfully perform professional rat extermination at home. They are the ones who are authorized and truly knowledgeable of the proper pest treatment and effective solutions to your pest troubles in any areas at home.


This is not to reject the fact that we cannot do these things on our very own strength. Of course, you may actually try but we what we are trying to point out in here is that we are all highly recommended to seek help from the ever reliable?Pest Control Melbourne?to help us achieve permanent and total pest free household. We should consistently make preventive measures like covering our foods and properly storing papers, cardboards and newspaper in safe boxes. A good maintenance of home safeties and security from pests is highly achievable if we ourselves become responsible of its cleanliness.




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Moonbattery ? US Taxpayers Finance Taliban

Jul 25 2011

Here?s an idea for the budget crisis ? rather than crush what feeble life remains in the economy by raising taxes or make total collapse inevitable by raising the debt ceiling still further, why don?t we stop shoveling money in a mad fury down rat holes like Afghanistan, where American taxpayers have been financing the Taliban?

A year-long military-led investigation has concluded that U.S. taxpayer money has been indirectly funneled to the Taliban under a $2.16 billion transportation contract that the United States has funded in part to promote Afghan businesses.

The unreleased investigation provides seemingly definitive evidence that corruption puts U.S. transportation money into enemy hands, a finding consistent with previous inquiries carried out by Congress, other federal agencies and the military. Yet U.S. and Afghan efforts to address the problem have been slow and ineffective, and all eight of the trucking firms involved in the work remain on U.S. payroll. In March, the Pentagon extended the contract for six months.

According to a summary of the investigation results, compiled in May and reviewed by The Washington Post, the military found ?documented, credible evidence ? of involvement in a criminal enterprise or support for the enemy? by four of the eight prime contractors. Investigators also cited cases of profiteering, money laundering and kickbacks to Afghan power brokers, government officials and police officers. Six of the companies were found to have been associated with ?fraudulent paperwork and behavior.?

Government spending is invariably wasteful and corrupt in the USA. Imagine what it?s like in Afghanistan.

Contractors floating in taxpayer money have been paying the Taliban
$1,500 to $2,500 per truck for guaranteed safe passage across the barbaric Afghan wasteland.

At least we can learn from our extravagantly expensive mistakes. Instead of trying to civilize savages, we should have used tactical nukes on Tora Bora and never set foot in that godforsaken hellhole. For now, since the insane rules of engagement and Obama?s feckless ?leadership? put any sort of victory out of the question, we should get out of there immediately.

On a tip from Byron.


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why are People So Against Gay/Lesbian Marriages?

24 Jul, 2011

Why are People So Against Gay/Lesbian Marriages?

Written by admin

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I've heard it's because it goes against the bible, but most people are NOT Christians, and in the USA, where this topic is widely debated, we have free religion. Why should people be forbidden to do something because of YOUR beliefs? Another thing I've heard is that people who are homosexual want to adopt, and that children end up as better citizens when they are raised by a father and a mother. Well that may be true in some cases, but there are many children in orphanages who NEVER get adopted. a lot of these children get shoved out into the world without knowing a father OR a mother and end up getting into theft and crime and things like that. I have met many teenagers who have been in foster care their whole entire life, want nothing more than to be adopted, and couldn't care less whether their parents liked men or women. and the whole thing where people say "oh, statistics show that children who are raised by a man and a woman end up better than being raised by gay people. That's complete bull! there is absolutely NO way to track that, and many of my friends have gay parents. My friend named Ambriel's dad is gay, and there's nothing wrong with her. She's a completely normal, lovely, beautiful, kind, smart, straight-A student.
So again, why are people so against this?

They're afraid that having gay marriages will promote homosexuality and have an increase of people "converting" to homosexuality.

It's the same principal: if you see more people with orange skin, there will be an increase of people converting to orange skin.

For alot of reasons. I, myself, hear the term "traditional" as the reason that it should not be allowed. As for the statistics about adopted kids of gay parents, the reality is that these children are far better oriented to real life than those raised by a mom and dad.

It saddens me when those who disagree spread such terrible, hateful lies.

their just hate filled self loathing creatures who hate their own lives, thats why.

They are some sick people who think only they matter.
Men and Women have been gay for as long as theirs been life on earth. These religious people brainwash others with lies and stuff like that. Don't let it get to you.

Because they are bigots. until LGBTQI is a protected class in the constitution theres not much people can do about it.

maybe they believe it is not normal. in Northern England, where everything is black and white, and people dress Victorian, and have Victorian jobs, homosexualty is illegal.

I personally believe that what you do in your own home is your business. I only have a problem when people are all in my face about their relationships, whether gay, or straight. I also have a problem with people who are keen to express their views on any matter in the same way. I DO NOT WISH TO KNOW?.


Why are People So Against Gay/Lesbian Marriages?


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Monday, July 25, 2011

Basic Yoga Props | Vibefit Health, Fitness, Recreation

These props help you achieve the proper alignment, balance and make the pose a bit

easier. The use of props also minimizes the strain and supports your muscles, thus

allowing you to save your energy by exerting less effort on a pose.

Yoga props help people with Medical Ailments and the Elderly to cross their

limitations. The props provide support, enabling them to do the poses that their

ailments or old age prevent them from doing.

As you might imagine, not much gear is needed for yoga. It is generally practiced in

bare feet or socks. You might want to consider a comfortable pair of shoes. Clothing

should be loose enough to allow for bending and stretching

Yoga also has its own small set of apparatus. Called ?yoga props,? they help make

the yoga poses more comfortable, create resistance or give the body something to l

ean on or bend over.

But to start with yoga you can just have these basic equipments:

Clothing: Comfortable, breathable clothes are recommended for yoga. You probably

want to wear a shirt that is a little bit form-fitting, since in many yoga poses your

head comes below your hips and your shirt can slide down.

Any exercise pants or shorts will do, although it?s best not to have super slick lycra-

type pants since in some poses this may cause you to slip.

Shoes: Yoga is most often done barefoot, which is great news for those of us tired of

carrying a bulky pair of athletic shoes around for after work trips to the gym.

Yoga studios will often request that you leave your shoes near the entrance.

Mats: In gyms and yoga studios, its commonplace to use a yoga mat, also called a

sticky mat. The mat helps define your personal space.

But more importantly, it creates traction for your hands and feet so you don?t slip,

especially as you get a little sweaty.

The mat also provides a bit of cushioning on a hard floor. If you are just getting

started with yoga, you may not want to buy a mat right away. Most studios have

mats for rent, usually for a dollar or two per class.

The disadvantage to these mats is that lots of people use them, and they can get

smelly between washings. Yoga mats can be purchased for as little as $20, and

many studios will allow you to store your mat with them if you become a regular.

Blankets: Yoga studios often have stacks of blankets available for students to use

during class. Grab yourself one or two blankets at the beginning of class.

The folded blankets are props to sit and lie on during class. For instance, when

sitting in a cross-legged position, it?s nice to put a blanket under your sit bones to

elevate the hips above the knees.

They come in handy for all sorts of things during class, and if it?s chilly you can use

them to cover yourself during final relaxation at the end of class.

Blocks: Like blankets, blocks are props to make yourself more comfortable and

improve your alignment. Blocks are great for standing poses in which your hand

doesn?t reach the floor.

Straps: Straps are particularly useful for bound poses if your hands do not reach

each other, and for poses where you need to hold onto your feet but cannot reach them.


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Awnings and Home Improvement Blog ? Outside Paint Colors ? How You ...

?Dupioni?; ?Faux bois?; ?Intaglio?; ?Pulmonaria?? Uncommon tropical illnesses? European politicians? High-priced appetizers?


Nope, they are paint colours! If you are thinking of painting the outside of the residence you may be wondering what ever happened to red, green, and blue!


Paint Paralysis


The dizzying array of color options and their connected names are adequate to offer a homeowner a case of Chromophobia ? the worry of colors. How do you determine what color(s) to utilize when you can find a great number of options?


At $40 a gallon or additional for superior exterior latex, you cannot afford to produce a mistake. And in the event you don?t like the colours, your neighbors almost certainly will not either; colours have public impact ? you are not the only a single who has to live with them. But just a little study and preparing can allow you to get began with the confidence that the final paint job is one which you ? and your neighbors ? is going to be pleased with.


Field, Trim, and Accent


An current house is not a blank canvas ? soon after all, you are not altering the color with the roof, the brick or stone, and perhaps not even the windows (if they?re vinyl or aluminum clad). Roofs and masonry walls are massive areas of unbroken color and natural commencing points for making a palette.


An exterior paint scheme needs to be created up of at the very least three colours: the field ? massive places like walls or roofs; the trim ? corner boards, window trim, fascias, rakes, etc.; and accent ? precise elements including doors, shutters, as well as other architectural functions.


Field colours make up the majority of what you are going to see on the home and will lead you to the choice of trim and accent. Have you been trying to create your residence search just a little much more prominent on the street? A lighter field color will make it search greater; a darker color will visually shrink it. ?Unattractive? elements ? gutters, downspouts, and so on., ought to also be painted the field color to help them ?disappear? into the background.


But it is the trim color that could make or break the scheme. Painting the trim the identical color because the field can operate in some cases, however it can also give the property an ?unfinished? or ?wedding cake? search. Darker trim ? specifically close to the windows ? can cause a ?frame? effect, where the windows search like photos hung on a wall. Keeping the trim lighter than the field is virtually generally a safe bet.


The accent color is exactly where the excitement is. As soon as you?ve selected an appealing mixture of field and trim, make it ?pop? with an eye-catching accent color. It?s a tool to provide life to an otherwise muted color scheme and draws consideration to the crucial functions from the property. The front door, shutters, along with the windows frames (not the trim) are good places for accent colors. Windows painted with accent and trim colours together might be one of the most interesting aspect of the composition.


Choosing a Paint Scheme


The two most significant considerations in picking out a color scheme would be the architecture from the residence as well as the neighborhood context.


Historic architectural styles, one example is, look finest in their original color schemes, even though these can vary fairly a bit. Authentic Colonial and Colonial Revival residences were frequently pretty colorful on the within, but less so on the exterior. Frequently they have been painted in a single color for the field and trim, using a second color for an accent. Combined with prominent red brick chimneys and a brick or stone base, the effect is actually a three-color scheme.


Victorian residences ? often known as ?painted ladies? ? sometimes showed off six or extra colours of trim and accent. Making that search excellent currently takes the solutions of a color specialist and a lot of time. But a comparable effect can be had with as tiny as 3 colors if they?re well placed on the property.


The Craftsman type of the early 20th Century sported a darker, earthier color scheme employing deep browns, greens, and reds. The present recognition of the type is producing extra home owners look at richer color schemes for their residences.


Take cues from the other houses inside your location ? a property really should have its own character and type, but houses do not search excellent in ?party dress? all the time.


Final Coat


No matter if you happen to be comfy with picking colors or not, you?ve got several resources that may make the selection considerably a lot easier. Numerous paint suppliers have produced pre-selected color palettes arranged by architectural style or color range that specify compatible field, trim, and accent colors. They are readily available at paint and developing supply retailers and most are pretty effectively completed.


Several paint businesses have on line paint selection applications that suggest appropriate color combinations ? some even make it possible for you to preview colours on photographs of real houses, or on a digital photo of your personal home.


Plan ahead, be bold in your color choices, and use paint business sources. But do not ask for red, green, or blue inside the paint store ? they will not know what you happen to be talking about!


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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Write an article Income ? 7 steps to writing more stories with ...

You can write articles and even an eBook with teleseminars if you understand the process. Many people simply do not know how to write, not write well, or have difficulties in their ideas on paper. Registration on the teleseminar materials and content makes it a completely different method, with equally dramatic results. You can write more and get your message to more people, simply by> Teleseminars. These are the 7 steps to take if you want to be successful in this process.

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Plan your teleseminar for a time that is convenient for you. There are many theories as to keep the best and worst of times teleseminars, but I do have a wide range of times and on different days and find that the people time for an hour if they are interested in your topic.
Once the teleseminar over, someonetranscribed for you. Either you or someone you are done professionally transcribed. You should only have activities that are most productive for the company.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State: Book Review: Haunted ...

Title: Haunted U.S. Battlefields
Author: Mary Beth Crain
Publisher Data: Globe Pequot Press, 2008

As a history AND paranormal buff, I tore through this book in one evening, and found it informative and enjoyable.? Crain discusses famous battlefield and war-related ghosts from a variety of conflicts, including the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the American Civil War, The Alamo, the Battle of Little Bighorn, and then a short compendium of battles fought by Americans elsewhere in the world.

Unfortunately, as a West Virginian, I felt left out, as there was no mention of our great state and our many haunted battlefields!? A large portion of West Virginia ghostlore is directly related to the Civil War, and the disputed first battle of the Revolutionary War took place here, so we've got the haunts...we just need to tell them to the world.? Perhaps a second volume could be arranged?? *wink, wink*

Anyway, this is a book I'd recommend, especially for those with a love of military history.? Even if you're more on the ghost side as opposed to the history side, don't fret.? The history is concise, well explained, and not so overly in-depth as to detract from the spookiness of the stories.

Purchase Information?


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American Airlines parent loses $286 million in 2Q (AP)

FORT WORTH, Texas ? American Airlines' parent company said Wednesday that it lost $286 million in the second quarter as fuel costs offset higher revenue from ticket prices and fees.

AMR Corp. released financial results on the same day it announced the largest plane order ? 460 aircraft from Boeing and Airbus ? in commercial airline history.

The second-quarter loss equaled 85 cents per share. In last year's second quarter, the Fort Worth, Texas, company lost $11 million, or 3 cents per share.

Revenue rose 8 percent to $6.11 billion from $5.67 billion a year ago, due to higher fares and fees.

The loss was wider than Wall Street expected. Analysts polled by FactSet Research predicted a profit of 77 cents per share on revenue of $6.17 billion.

American's fuel costs jumped by $547 million, or 33 percent, from last year. Fuel has overtaken labor as the airline's biggest expense.

J.P. Morgan analyst Jamie Baker called the results "poor," with AMR's margins falling farther behind other airlines. He said American raised many U.S. fares ? normally something Wall Street likes ? but questioned the size of the increase, since a smaller fare hike collapsed last week after Southwest Airlines first matched the higher prices, then rolled them back.

Dahlman Rose & Co. analyst Helane Becker said AMR may continue to struggle to boost revenue enough to offset higher jet fuel costs.

AMR has lost $4.8 billion since the start of 2008 and was the only large U.S. airline to lose money in 2010, a strong year for the industry. It's expected to be the only one among the nation's seven largest airlines to lose money in the second quarter and all of this year.

In an effort to cut fuel costs, American is replacing much of its aging jet fleet with a lineup of newer, more fuel-efficient planes. The airline on Wednesday said it would buy at least 260 planes from Airbus and 200 from Boeing Co. over the next five years. The jets carry a sticker price of more than $38 billion, although big airlines routinely get discounts.

AMR also said that it plans to spin off regional airline American Eagle as a separate company. That should also help reduce expenses by allowing American to seek competing bids from companies that provide connecting flights between big hub airports and smaller cities.

AMR shares fell a penny to close at $4.92.


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Thursday, July 21, 2011 Partners with U-Sports to Offer Free College Fantasy

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Austin, TX (NYSE) 6 August 2007

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Liz Link, Marketing Coordinator


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