Saturday, December 24, 2011

2.8 Million Jobless Americans to Lose Unemployment Insurance ...


by Adele Stan, Dec 22, 2011

When House Republicans left town for the holidays Wednesday, they didn?t even leave behind?a piece of coal in the stockings of some 2.8 million jobless workers whose unemployment benefits are about to expire over the course of the next two months. At least a piece of coal can be burned for heat.

An analysis by the National Employment Law Project (NELP) finds that come January, some 1.8 million will lose their unemployment insurance (UI), with another 1.1 million meeting the same fate in February.

NELP Executive Director Christine Owens explained in a statement:

Winter is upon us, a time when shelter, heat, and adequate nutrition are expensive and deeply important, and the most vulnerable among us are at even greater risk.

Further, Owens explained, the?House failure to extend UI?will be felt well beyond the ranks of the unemployed themselves:

The impact of a lapse of federal unemployment insurance will be devastating for the unemployed, their families, the communities in which they live and the local economies the benefits support.

As we reported, House GOP leaders scuttled a vote on a bill already passed by the Senate that would have extended federal unemployment benefits by an additional two months, and extended the payroll tax holiday for the same amount of time.

Owens concludes:

To rob the unemployed and their families of their essential lifeline just as the New Year begins, especially when a clear alternate path is available, is more than callous?it is unconscionable.

Download the full report, in a PFF file, here.


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