Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Important Internet Marketing Tips for 2013

Search engine optimization in 2013 will be even more important than it was in 2012. ?So let?s start the year off right and give you a tip that will help you in your quest to achieve top 5 rankings for your targeted keywords. Obviously, the best way to achieve this goal is to hire a professional Phoenix web design company like HireAWiz but if you are insisting on doing it yourself we will try to give you tips to help you out on your quest. The word you need to remember for this article is ?diversify?. I know your wondering why diversify but give me a chance to explain.

  • Diversify Your Marketing ? Start off by brainstorming everything your company offers that is of value to your customers. If you are selling something you believe helps the person receiving your product or service it makes marketing easy. However if your product or service is garbage then you probably not so marketing as you are trying to trick people into wanting what your selling. Working in the Phoenix web design market it is an amazing feeling to hear our clients tell about how much we have helped them grow and how we have helped their company reach the next level. When you believe so strongly in your product like we do it makes marketing feel like you are spreading great news and telling people about something great you discovered.
  • Diversify Your Anchor Text ? With the recent Penguin update Google made it clear that we should not use the same anchor text into our websites. If every anchor text into www.hireawiz.com was Phoenix web design it would not be good. Begin diversifying your Anchor Texts and stop obsessing over that 1 keyword.
  • Diversify Traffic Sources ? Don?t become so dependent upon one market strategy that you use that for all your traffic. Whether it is search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click or any other type of marketing make sure you diversify your marketing strategy. Now we only use white hat marketing strategies and the likelihood of us ever taking a hit from Google is slim but imagine if Google changed their algorithm in such away that turned the search rankings upside down. All of the sudden you weren?t ranked and all your SEO traffic has disappeared. Could you survive? This can happen in all types of marketing so make sure you market your company in multiple different ways.

HireAWiz is a professional Phoenix web design company that truly cares about helping your business be successful. We us our years of experience to give you suggestions and help you reach your businesses max potential. If you would like us to evaluate your website and marketing strategy for free. Please contact us today.

January 21, 2013

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Source: http://www.hireawiz.com/blog/seo/important-internet-marketing-tips-2013?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=important-internet-marketing-tips-2013

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