Tuesday, March 6, 2012

03/06/12 RTIR E-zine: Super Tuesday, Career Advice, St. Patrick's ...

01. Super Tuesday Analysis
02. SXSW ? Hot New Tech Trends
03. Investigation Discovery Examines Depravity
04. Interview Whitney Houston Biographer
05. Can You Make Your Own Luck?
06. St. Patrick?s Day Trivia
07. Worst St. Patrick?s Day Toasts
08. Interview the Celebrity, Organic Nanny
09. Family Cruise Safety Tips
10. What Politicians Get Wrong
11. Best Career Advice ? Think Like a 10-Year Old
12. Social Media ? Are Your Friends Holding You Back?
13. Hilarious Tales of Online Dating
14. Destination South Pole
15. Inspirational Story of Hope
16. Want Motivated Employees?
17. Life on the AZ/MX Border
18. Why Nobody Listens to You
19. Animals Get Cancer Too
20. Are Men Like Horses?


01. ==> Super Tuesday Analysis

Today is Super Tuesday, when voters in ten states
across the country will select their choice to be the
GOP presidential nominee; the four remaining candidates
in the Republican field are barnstorming the country in
a final attempt to shore up support ahead of what may
be a game-changing day for more than one candidate. To
analyze the results and what they mean for the 2012
Presidential election we offer several experts.

Tracy Davis, GOP political strategist and former
speechwriter for President George Bush. Contact Mark
Goldman at (516) 639-0988; mark@goldmanmccormick.com

Ronald B. Scott, author of ?Mitt Romney: An Inside Look
at the Man and His Politics,? the first independent
unauthorized biography of the GOP candidate. Contact
Laurie Kenny at (203) 458-4555;

Democratic strategist and president of Bannon
Communications Research, a D.C. communications research
firm, Brad Bannon. Contact him at (202) 628-4809; (202)
320-4182 (cell) or brad@bannoncr.com

02. ==> SXSW ? Hot New Tech Trends

It?s time again for South by Southwest, the Austin, TX
trade show and conference featuring music, film and
emerging technology. Invite tech expert Shelly Palmer
to talk about this year?s new tech trends and how the
festival has gotten a reputation as a breeding ground
for new ideas and creative technologies. Shelly Palmer
is host of NBC Universal?s weekly show Live Digital.
He?s Fox 5?s (WNYW-TV New York) tech expert and the
host of MediaBytes, a daily syndicated radio segment.
Contact him at (917) 886-1173; shelly@palmer.net

03. ==> Investigation Discovery Examines Depravity

Investigation Discovery is out with a new series that
examines the true evils that push everyday individuals
beyond the limits of the law. From gluttony and greed
to lust, envy, sloth, wrath, and pride, Deadly Sins
reveals scandalous crimes driven by the most basic of
human instincts. Invite criminal behavior expert Darren
Kavinoky to talk about his role on the show and share
some of the most memorable stories illustrating the
depths of depravity. Kavinoky regularly appears on TV
and radio shows including Today Show, Dr. Phil,
Entertainment Tonight, Showbiz Tonight, Jane Velez-
Mitchell, and Dr. Drew, and has been the in-house legal
analyst and correspondent for The Insider. Contact Mark
Goldman at (516) 639-0988; markgoldman73@gmail.com

04. ==> Interview Whitney Houston Biographer

Few in the world of show business reach the career
heights that Whitney Houston attained with what seemed
like such ease. She won six Grammy Awards, thirty
Billboard Music Awards, and twenty-two American Music
Awards, and amassed a vast fortune before the age of
50. Her death shocked the entertainment world and her
fans. Author and biographer of superstars, Mark Bego
offers a unique look into the superstar?s life. He
watched closely while she was groomed for superstardom
and was at many of her key performances?including the
diva?s Carnegie Hall debut concert. Bego will discuss
how Whitney?s career suffered from her association with
the horrifying reality show, Being Bobby Brown, her
dynamic final film role in Sparkle (which will be
released posthumously), and how she claimed health
issues were ruining her performances, while she
continued to do massive quantities of drugs. Mark Bego
is the author of fifty-eight published books on rock
and roll and show business. Contact David Salidor at
(212) 245-5909; DSalidorcompany@aol.com

05. ==> Can You Make Your Own Luck?

This time of year we hear a lot about leprechauns and
the ?luck of the Irish.? And while many think luck is
serendipitous and even fickle, recent scientific
research shows anyone can make their own luck by
following a few simple strategies. Ellen Whitehead says
it?s as easy as following your gut hunches and being
alert and aware ? and then acting on ? unexpected or
chance opportunities. ?The ancient art of Feng Shui
says that anyone can increase those same opportunities
simply by leaving bright lights on both outside and
immediately inside the front entryway door. The light
stimulates an energetic response while also
illuminating the pathway for possibility to come
knocking.? Ellen?s latest endeavor, The Luck Project,
is a compendium of celebrity anecdotes and time tested
advice aimed at creating a truly lucky life. She?s a
recurrent and frequent media guest and recently
appeared on the Mancow Muller show, Coast to Coast, and
Judith Regan?s Sirius Radio show. She?s a daily
contributor to iVillage.com and is a health and
wellness expert at Doctor.Oz.com. Contact her at (757)
412-2600; sacredspacesfs@aol.com

06. ==> St. Patrick?s Day Trivia

Exactly who was Saint Patrick, Ireland?s beloved patron
saint, who is celebrated worldwide on March 17? What
did he do in his remarkable life, more than 1,500 years
ago? What will most Americans, even those of Irish
ancestry, be surprised and inspired to learn? Invite
acclaimed historian William Federer to share the true
story of Saint Patrick! By introducing quiz questions
and little-known stories, Federer will separate fact
from folklore?and help everyone observe Saint
Patrick?s Day with newfound appreciation. Federer is
president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company
researching America?s noble heritage. His American
Minute radio feature airs nationwide and via daily e-
mail. Among Federer?s popular books is ?Saint Patrick:
The Real Story of His Amazing Life from Tragedy to
Triumph.? Contact him at (314) 487-4395 (MO); (314)
540-1172 (cell) or wjfederer@aol.com

07. ==> Worst St. Patrick?s Day Toasts

There?s nothing like a great toast when the green beer
is flowing and spirits are high during a St. Patrick?s
Day celebration. Christopher Korbel and Katrin Kern
will reveal 5 toasts you should never make: the Rosie
O?Donnell and the Little People Toast, the Blarney
Sheen Toast, the Bono Bummer Toast, the Liquid Lassie
Lohan Toast, and the Lame Attempt at Liam Neeson Toast.
They?ll also share their ?Lucky C.H.A.R.M. Formula?
that will ensure your toast is a huge hit on the one
day of the year when everyone is Irish. Christopher and
Katrin are personal public speaking experts and popular
authorities on special occasion speeches and toasts.
They?re creators of Make-a-Toast.com and have been
featured on numerous radio and TV programs. Contact
them at (310) 709-2051 (CA); cheers@Make-A-Toast.com

08. ==> Interview the Celebrity, Organic Nanny

Barbara Rodriguez has worked as a nanny for some of the
world?s richest and most famous parents. Invite her on
your show to talk about her experiences and why she?s
now on a mission to educate parents about the
importance of good nutrition on a child?s health ? and
grades. Rodriguez will share ways to ?hide the healthy?
in kids? favorite foods and rid your home of toxic
household chemicals. She?ll also reveal the top 10
organic treats kids will love as well as some simple
lifestyle changes that can help dramatically improve
the well-being of kids. Rodriguez is the author of ?The
Organic Nanny?s Guide to Raising Healthy Kids.? Contact
her at (615) 579-4931; barbarasl67@aol.com

09. ==> Family Cruise Safety Tips

The recent Greek cruise ship tragedy has many people
feeling skittish about cruising. But what if you
already have a cruise booked? While a cruise vacation
is relatively safe, travel expert Gala Reitz says you
should take simple precautions and plan safety
strategies before you leave home. She?ll share basic
health safety tips and how to prepare your family in
case of a shipboard emergency. ?Once you get to your
room and before everyone goes off in different
directions, have a Mandatory Family E-Prep Meeting in
your state room. As a family, determine one place where
everyone will meet in the event of an emergency. Small
handheld walkie-talkies are a great idea to bring on a
cruise so everyone can stay in touch.? Reitz is
president of Sterling Travel Group. Contact her at
(702) 625-2784; sterling@sterlingtravelgroup.com

10. ==> What Politicians Get Wrong

Are you tired of all the partisan conflict and name-
calling during this election year? Why do politicians
keep presenting such a negative picture of America?s
future? Do a refreshing show on a guest who takes a
much brighter view of our country. Dr. Kirk Sinclair ?
The Hiking Humanitarian ? has come to a new
appreciation of Americans and their ability to solve
social problems, despite the dysfunctional gridlock in
Washington. He says, ?Politicians indulge us, while
interest groups expect us to treat their platforms as
gospel.? Sinclair, on the home stretch of a remarkable
5,000-mile walk across the country, has found that
Americans are banding together to help each other,
instead of waiting for the government to save them.
Sinclair is a speaker, teacher, musician and songwriter
and the leading expert on the modern nomadic culture of
long distance backpacking expeditions. He?s the author
of ?Systems Out of Balance? and the upcoming, ?The
Power of Kindness Across America.? Contact him at (860)
309-3063; hiking.humanitarian@gmail.com (email

11. ==> Best Career Advice ? Think Like a 10-Year Old

Remember your childhood dreams? Did you long to be a
firefighter, a veterinarian or a movie star when you
grew up? Chances are, most of your audience members
have given up on pursuing their dream career and have
settled for a more attainable job. Is that the sensible
choice, or should they keep trying to follow their
passions? Start a lively discussion when you interview
career management expert Ginny Clarke. She asks, ?If
you could have lunch with your ten-year-old self, what
would your younger self say? Are you pursuing the goals
you once had? Explore the interests that appealed to
you then, and use them to chart a new course. You are
entitled to love what you do.? Invite her on your show
and hear her top strategies for turning childhood
dreams into a career. Ginny Clarke is an expert in
career management and executive coaching. She has a
recurring segment on CBS2?s morning show in Chicago.
Her book is ?Career Mapping: Charting Your Course in
the New World of Work.? Contact Chris Ruys at (312)
337-7746; (312) 259-3495 (IL) or chris@chrisruys.com

12. ==> Social Media ? Are Your Friends Holding You

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn; they?re for kids and
people who have a lot of free time, not serious
business people like you, right? Internet guru Mary
Comacho says social media isn?t just a fad, it?s a real
way of communicating, but it can be a blessing and a
curse for both individuals and businesses. ?Using
social media might seem like you?re expanding your
circle of friends and knowledge, but what you?re
actually doing ? without even knowing it ? is limiting
your Internet experience by creating a bubble around
your preferences.? And for a small business? ?Social
media can increase your ?findability? and improve
customer relationships, but it can also make you look
unprofessional.? Camacho is known as the Technology
Translator for small businesses trying to develop a Web
strategy and online presence. Her book is ?The Internet
Plan: A Workbook for Creating Your Online Strategy.?
Contact her at (303) 325-5085 (CO);

13. ==> Hilarious Tales of Online Dating

Online dating can be daunting, so imagine a first date
who tells you he has ties to the Italian mafia ? or
another who proposes after 24 hours ? or another who
asks if you believe in aliens. In her quest to find
?the one,? Karen Rissling has met some unbelievable
characters ? even a guy who brought along his baby on
the first date! Invite her and have listeners call in
with their own online dating horror stories. Karen will
share the top lies men and women tell about themselves
online, brutally honest male perspectives on how women
can better represent themselves, and how, if you put
yourself out there, it?s entirely possible to meet your
soul mate online. Karen Rissling, a full-time middle
school English teacher by day, is the author of
?Cyberwink: One Woman?s Inside Scoop on Maneuvering the
Web?s ?Meet Market.?? Contact her at (915) 433-6004
(TX); karenrissling@hotmail.com

14. ==> Destination South Pole

Exactly 100 years after the first man stood on the
South Pole, Dieter Staudinger and his partner Amin
Wirth attempted to travel 2,000 miles in 80 days to
open up a new route. Although they had to cut their
trip short, few people have experienced the hardships,
beauty, solitude and physical demands of a trip to
Antarctica ? and lived to talk about it. Invite the 36-
year old explorer to answer questions about the
experience and inspire your audience to go for their
dreams. Dieter Staudinger is a psychotherapist,
personal development coach and former gymnast. He?s
appeared on numerous radio and TV talk shows. Contact
him at (905) 923-8175; dieter@divinetransformations.ca

15. ==> Inspirational Story of Hope

In 1990, Gabriel Murfitt was born with severe
congenital birth defects. Now 21 years old, Gabe is
working to help others overcome their own disabilities
through his foundation of HOPE. Invite this inspiring
young man to share his story of learning to live in a
uniquely formed body. Gabe is the author of ?My Message
is C.L.E.A.R.,? which outlines his perspective on
living a purposeful, successful life, even when facing
great adversities. Your listeners will discover how to
live with a C.L.E.A.R. perspective from a young man who
touches lives with his three-inch arms. Contact Gabe at
(206) 715-1277; Gabe@GabesHOPE.org

16. ==> Want Motivated Employees?

Scared to take a day off? Worried that none of your
employees care enough to truly take care of your
customers when you?re not there? Finding the ?on-
switch? for some employees is a real challenge and
sometimes takes a lifetime of practice. Gary Brose has
spent the last 30 years uncovering those secrets and
knows how to unleash the ?Ultimate Motivated Employee?.
Learn the 7 steps to creating a more productive
workforce and discover the secret to giving reviews and
pay raises that energize and empower people. He?ll give
your listeners a test that shows how ready they are to
take advantage of these techniques. Contact Gary Brose
at (206) 505-9752; gary@smallbizsherpa.com.

17. ==> Life on the AZ/MX Border

Every day events occur along our Arizona/Mexico border.
Events that tomorrow, next week, or next month could be
our headlines. ?After living in southern Arizona for 40
years, I know there is little control along our
southern border,? according to Renee Wetherill. She?s
the author of ?Mission of Malice,? a novel that follows
a CIA agent as he infiltrates a ruthless group of
terrorists bent on destruction. When a young border
patrol agent discovers a corpse on the Arizona border,
it appears to be just another drug related killing.
When surveillance scans the area, Holt and his
colleagues learn the body is radioactive, and the
United States may now be compromised by an unauthorized
nuclear weapon inside the country. Contact Wetherill at
(928 -978-9262; discoveryphotos@yahoo.com

18 ==> Why Nobody Listens to You

It?s a fact?lack of effective communication is a
leading cause of divorce the breakdown of relationships
between parents and children, or employees and their
employers. There is no doubt that communication in all
types of relationships can make or break them.
Relationship expert, Dr. Georgianna Donadio, has
researched and written the first-ever guide on simple,
proven strategies to create new levels of fulfillment,
collaboration or intimacy in all your relationships.
Immediately transform your relationships with this
color illustrated guide for creating the relationships
you desire!
(888) 354?4325; gd@niwh.org

19. ==> Animals Get Cancer Too

When forensic behavioral scientist Jan Schwartz, Ph.D.,
found out her dog had cancer, she was devastated; the
much-loved 9-year old Golden Retriever was a part of
the family. Schwartz and her husband decided they
would forgo surgery and chemotherapy for this gentle-
natured dog and instead they chose to celebrate the
life and spirit of their beloved pet. What they didn?t
expect was that this was the beginning of their
exploration and discovery of little-known cancer
remedies. Schwartz?s book, ?Last Summer with Oscar,?
narrates the adventurous, true life story of Oscar?s
response to cancer. Contact Jan Schwartz at (330)
936-9998; janschwartz@mac.com

20. ==> Are Men Like Horses?

Regardless of what scientists tell us about men and
women being in the same species, the world has known
for centuries that the sexes are from different corners
of the universe. Not only do they speak differently,
they look, react, dress, and party differently.
Whether in the boardroom, the bedroom, or the barn,
society?s attempt to call us ?similar? just doesn?t
work. But what about men and horses? By watching her
horses, Connie Thompson discovered more similarities
between her husband and her horses than she would have
thought possible. Whether you know anything about
horses or not, her hilarious, but dead-on insights will
have you laughing out loud and shouting ?OMG, that?s
me? or ?OMG, that?s him.? Connie gives men and women
the straight scoop they need to communicate effectively
with the other sex and her H.A.L.T.E.R. theory of
relationships gives people a fresh and funny way to see
each other. Thompson is the author of ?Happiness,
Horse Apples & Hand Grenades: A Guide for Creating a
Stable Relationship with a Man (or a Horse).? Contact
Tina at (719) 648-1562; tina@conniekthompson.com


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Source: http://www.rtironline.com/2012/03/06/030612-rtir-e-zine-super-tuesday-career-advice-st-patricks-day/

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