Monday, December 31, 2012

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Never Under Estimate The Power of List Building

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By: Gary Ganesan

Building an e-mail list will certainly won't make you rich overnight. But then, it is still one of the most effective and tested-and-proven ways for online business success. Not only you'll get valuable information to keep your business running, but better resources to leverage your strategies and better prepare on promoting your business to a wider audience. So what exactly can a good list building strategy do for your internet marketing business?

Here are some reasons to do it:

It's a list where your subscribers want to be on

This may sound quite simple, but while many of us are just thankful for spam-filters, they're not fully reliable in blocking unwelcoming emails. This is where an opt-in email list can be of great help.

Obviously, people need to sign up to be on your email list, an approach that helps you determine that people you send emails are real business opportunities. And that they can unsubscribe from you anytime they want. The opt-in option makes sure your existing customers, along with your future prospects in your target market, will definitely want to receive your emails.

A targeted email list will boost sales revenue

Most of the time, email offers an exceptional tool for improving conversions and profit. In any event, the idea is to make any type of promotional material correctly and maximize sales. Given that your subscribers will be receiving emails from you, the chance of getting returning buyers is more likely. Considering that sales are a number's game, this approach can boost your profit from all levels.

It will boost your blogs

Blogging has become to be the most powerful tool for marketing. What could be more powerful than putting a face and making a business company 'human' for its loyal customers and prospects? Not many people notice this but blog is a good start for opt-in list building. Those who subscribe and got listed will be fans of the blog site. With this, the blog is expected to gain more views from people who really care and are really interested in what you do.

Though there's no assurance that those who stumble or visit your site on purpose would want to receive emails from your business, giving them opportunities can help grow your business fast and more efficiently. Those devoted readers of your blog to connect with you and your business, which consequently, makes a good email list.

These are just three of the many benefits you can enjoy from list building in any niche market you work on. All you need now is to start building and reap the rewards later.

Author Resource:->??If you want real income at the comforts of your home without having to take orders from anyone, nothing beats the opportunities you find with online marketing business.

Learn how to maximize your profit online. Just click:

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Pakistani Taliban execute 21 captured paramilitary men

PESHAWAR Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani Taliban militants have executed 21 paramilitary force men who were captured in attacks on their posts late last week, government officials said on Sunday.

The men, who were kidnapped on Friday in attacks on three checkpoints near the city of Peshawar, were lined up before being shot one-by-one, officials said.

"They were tied up and blindfolded," Naveed Anwar, a senior administration official in the Khyber region, said by telephone.

One man was badly wounded but survived, Anwar said, adding that the 21 bodies had been found after local tribesmen notified security services.

"They were lined up and shot in the head," said Habibullah Arif, another local official. He said the wounded man and another man had managed to escape.

A Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility and pledged to carry out further attacks on Pakistani security forces.

"We killed all the kidnapped men after a council of senior clerics gave a verdict for their execution. We didn't make any demand for their release because we don't spare any prisoners who are caught during fighting," said Ihsanullah Ihsan.

The men were from a paramilitary force recruited from members of ethnic Pashtun tribes in northwestern Pakistan. The militias support the government in its efforts against Islamist militants battling the state.

The killing of the men followed two high-profile attacks in Peshawar this month. Suicide bombers attacked Peshawar's airport on December 15 and a bomb killed a senior Pashtun nationalist politician and eight other people at a rally on December 22.

The violence underscores the Taliban's ability to carry out high-profile attacks in major cities even as the amount of territory they control has shrunk over the past three years.

(Additional reporting by Saud Mehsud in Dera Ismail Khan.; Writing by Katharine Houreld; Editing by Robert Birsel and Ron Popeski)


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Huge exercise difference, kids vs. adults, health and fitness pros ...

Today, December 30, 2012 the Engineers preparing next year?s Adult Exercise Efficiency Scoring Project, released a nine hundred word report covering how the efficiency, of eventually 200 popular muscle and cardio building exercises, will be measured, scored and reported for adults.

They also explained why they believe it could take years before learning how to accurately rate Exercise Efficiency, for the still growing bodies of children.

Here is today?s statement, exactly as provided to

The energy tracing methods used by engineers to evaluate building plans, when applied instead to the human body, expose how riding a bicycle, while holding the same heart rate, for the same amount of time, as running, allows the adult?s core running muscles to exert up to 4-5 times more force than is possible to exert while running, with far less pain and skeletal damage.

In other words, in the same amount of time, doing the same amount of cardio exercise, riding a bike will build far more core and leg running strength for the average adult, than running physically can.

The structural factor for noticing this huge increase in adult Exercise Efficiency, is that while sitting on the bike, the leg joints are not also hosting battles between falling body weight and External Motion Resistance (from gravity), simply because the bike supports their body weight instead of their leg joints.

By not allowing hundreds of g-force pounds to simultaneously smash leg joints the bike rider?s leg joints are free to fight immensely more running muscle exertion, they are not first deeply compressed by falling body weight.

This is one of countless examples that Exercise Efficiency not only exists exists, but that as far as for cardio exercise, the heart can work just as hard from either skeletal stress or muscles demanding more oxygen.

As far as adults go, using Skeletal Based cardio is inefficient as they don?t need to work anything harder than muscles, but all popular cardio exercises methods stress both joints and muscles.

The heart will pound from either joint or muscle stress.

For instance, if you have someone clamp your hands in iron claim, hard enough to cause enough deep skeletal stress, you can hold a targeted heart rate, which dose not make an iron clamp an efficient cardio exercise machine.

Cycling compared to running is a most common example of far less skeletal involvement, for the same amount of cardio effort.

So far, humans have only mastered the types of high exertion exercises that work best for healthy children, as their still growing joints and spinal discs, can be farther strengthened this way.

In the year 2000, out of necessity, we began using engineering research science to trace the forces of physical exercises, through the human body.

One of the first discoveries this revealed, was that almost every muscle or cardio strengthening method children and adults are taught, works (stresses) the moving parts of their skeletons (joints and spinal discs), four to twenty times harder than the muscles the method targets (that is once these muscles have become conditioned to doing the exercise).

Force Mapping reveals that ?Skeletal Based? exercises, are not only almost the only type of muscle or cardio exercises (wet or dry) Health and fitness experts have ever taught, but that they can be extremely empowering for healthy children.

This is because their still growing skeletons develop even stronger joints and spinal discs, to better handle high compression exercises preformed regularly.

However, between ages 18 -23, human skeletons harden into adulthood, and then the joint and disc building up process starts slowing down. At this age continuing the same Skeletal Based exercise cycle every few days, they did in high school, no longer provides their moving skeletal parts enough time to even fully recover before the next high compression exercise session blasts them again.

As average adult grows older, the time and ability for their joints and discs to fully recover continues to extend, and even become unattainable, by continued use of the same exercises that once empowered them as children.

So instead of adult joints and discs also growing stronger after each joint blasting workout, they start wearing out, so the exact same amount of exertion becomes continually more painful and damaging for the average adult to even do, and so less then 4% of adults even stay in shape.

This huge, but still unrealized difference between children and adults by America?s health and fitness experts, makes rating Exercise Efficiency for average adults, seniors and even mobility disabled adults, rather easy to score.

Because adults no longer need joint or disc smashing during exercises, their Exercise Efficiency is simply the percentage of all External Motion Resistance Energy, from any muscle or cardio exercise, that only opposes their muscle contractions. If all of it only opposes contractions, than it?s Adult Exercise Efficiency Score will be 100%, but only for adults.

However, because a 100% exercise for adults, cannot not maximize the strength of the growing joints and discs in children, this exercise could be far less than 50% for them.

Exercise Efficiency is simple for adults because their joints and discs no longer benefit from exercise methods that crush them, so any resistance that dissipates from joint and disc compression, is totally wasted for adults, and harming the long term health and fitness of adult joints and discs.

Unfortunately, an Exercise Efficiency for children, is as hard to determine as it is easy to for adults. Beyond the fact that their softer growing joints and discs can be farther strengthened by compression, Exercise Efficiency for children becomes an issue of determining how much skeletal based exercise is the right amount, and we have found too many factors that apply.

Every time we tried to get a handle on scoring Exercise Efficiency for children we found more questions than answers. We can say with 100% certainty that Exercise Efficiency for growing bodies even varies from one child to the next, based on factors that are not involved with scoring Adult Exercise Efficiency.

For example, a child with low bone density or mass, may suffer far more pain and skeletal damage than a child with high bone density. We found that other factors, like how straight their extremity bones and joints are, and even how large the child?s feet and hands are, can vary the efficiency of same Skeletal Based exercise from one child to another.

Since adults gain no skeletal benefit from smashing their joints and spinal discs during exercise, high Exercise Efficiency is most simply achieved by preventing the External Motion Resistance Energy from fighting other forces inside joints and discs, as children need these battles in varying amounts based on individual factors.

So until all of these factors are identified, and then made measurable, we do not believe that accurately predicting Exercise Efficiency Scores for children is not possible. This is the reason why this project is, and should only be considered relatively accurate (5% either way) for people over 22, and why it should not be even considered for creating workouts for healthy children.

Because the contributor of these articles is also heavily involved with this exercise efficiency project, expect news, to release a review for each exercise method and it?s score. These reviews are also expected to, include illustrations and or animations depicting the exercise forces of each exercise method, as each are posted.

Possibly the most important aspect of this project, is pointing out ways to redirect some to all of the External Motion Resistance Energy of modern exercise methods and workout machines, directly against muscle contractions, before their energy can cause joint and spinal compression.

That concludes their report.

Starting the second week of January, you will also be able to see these scores at, by entering ?Exercise Efficiency?, or ?Modern Fitness?, or listed under their health and fitness category, as they are released.

The first exercise method that will be posted, rated, and according to them, ?how it can be greatly improved, so far more adults and seniors can benefit?, will cover the basic tread mill, and secondly will be the stationary bicycle. They will be evaluated only as cardio exercise machines, generically (no brand names).

Article source:


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Acupuncture: Approach to Natural Healing | Health and Fitness ...

Updated: December 27, 2012


Acupuncture is a process of stimulating certain acupuncture points situated on the surface or very close to the skin.

There is a notion in Chinese medicine that life energy, known as Qi, flows in a regular pattern through and over the surface of the body via channels called meridians.

Each meridian is associated with one organ or a group of organs and nutrifies the blood vessels, flow, tissues and nervous pulse, improving functionality and promoting well-being. Also proper flow of Qi helps in maintaining an active balance of two opposite forces, Yin and Yang, to promote a salubrious state of body.
If this balance is disturbed or energy flow is obstructed or blocked, it could eventually pave the road to several diseases. One of the ancient and effective ways of unblocking the movement of Qi and reestablishing the normal energy flow through meridians is by needling at specific points in the body and this practice is called acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a process of stimulating certain acupuncture points situated on the surface or very close to the skin which have the tendency to modify various physiological acupuncture needle pointsand biochemical conditions for achieving sound health. This practice dates back around 2000 years when it was first performed in China. It is one of the disciplines constituting the Traditional Chinese Medicine and has great efficacy in treating various health ailments, boosting the immune system and maintaining a complete harmony of body and mind.

How Acupuncture works

Acupuncture works with the Qi or energy of the body directly. People who practice this treatment believe that a person becomes susceptible to illness if the regular flow of energy throughout the body is depleted or struck or weakened due to factors such as biological, mechanical, chemical, physical, mental or hereditary and by puncturing over the acupoints this obstruction can be easily removed. Acupoints are areas near or over the surface of skin that are electrically sensitive.
By inserting pointed, stainless steel needles at such points, various sensory receptors are stimulated and also improved nervous signals are generated to hypothalamus-pituitary glands which release natural pain killing chemicals of the body, endorphins and neurotransmitters.

This helps in making the body stronger and more immune to disease and relieves from various pains like back pain, head ache, arthritis and many other conditions. The needles are slightly inserted, not pinched, into the skin which makes it a painless, safe and effective treatment of many conditions.

Acupuncture benefits

Performed by certified acupuncture practitioners, acupuncture has now become a part of conventional medical procedures for the treatment of several diseases and health conditions, promoting both physical and mental well being. The spectrum of benefits offered by acupuncture is very vast and includes wide miscellanea of disorders.

Although best known for its pain controlling ability, this Chinese treatment can be used for treating respiratory disorders like asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and common cold. It also benefits toothache, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders and eye problems such as conjunctivitis, cataract and nearsightedness.

Acupuncture can be effective in eliminating or reducing the need of taking drugs to regulate pain or symptoms of certain health conditions. It also stimulates faster recovery, improved circulation and lower symptoms of stress. ?Since it strengthens the immune system of the body naturally, the body becomes less vulnerable to infections, colds and flu. Other benefits include relief from post surgical nausea, vomiting, psychological or emotional imbalances, eating disorders, depression and rejuvenation of natural body energy.

More than a cure, acupuncture is used as preventive medicine that forestalls illness from occurring. Since it is safe and involved no side effects, people even without any disorder can receive acupuncture to maintain proper flow of energy through the body and promote a perfect sense of being healthy, strong and active. It is also used, side by side, with conventional medical treatments for various acute and chronic diseases.

Chart of acupuncture points. Click on image to view full size chart.

Comments are Welcome!



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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Unsecured loans: Unsecured Money to Make Life Secure ...

It is a normal fact known about the loans that they are comfortably given to a person when he is capable of using any collateral. A person may have to face some annoying situation if he has nothing to use as security against the loan amount. Due to this condition imposed on a loan, thousands of people fail in availing cash in their need of the hour. So, the lenders have thought the awesome support for such people and they have started to offer money with no collateral requirement and this deal that helps one without security is known as unsecured loans.

In order to borrow money via unsecured loans, people have to do nothing tough. They are supposed to complete the simple and straightforward online application form with a few personal details and then, they get finance in a day. Unsecured loan deal can provide you with money up to 25000 pounds for 1 year to 10 years and people can make any usage of the loan. One can use the finance for home renovation, paying off the pending bills, debt consolidation, meeting the educational purpose, spending money for wedding purpose and so on. In fact, if one is interested in starting a new business, it is also possible with this deal.

Now, the big problem occurs about unsecured loans where one should apply for it to crack it in an affordable manner. Well, it is not a big well to dig because one can make his choice of a lender through online mode where he finds lots of options. There is a plethora of lenders available at online world and one can support his needs by opting for this deal with any of them. While selecting your lender, you should take care of your terms and conditions that are really necessary so that one could make better deals.

So, don?t waste your time and apply for unsecured loans at any online site where you find all things running in your favor. Applying is absolutely free of cost and so; one is able to make a deal even when he has nothing in his pocket. Now, be ready to smartly reply your cash crises that are really making your life hell. Welcome any kind of cash crisis patiently with the help of unsecured loans that are approved just to assist you whenever you want to have money soon!


In order to borrow money via unsecured loans, people have to do nothing tough. So, enjoy it soon!

Martin Maxie has completed master in finance and working as professional financial consultant. To find about bad debt loans unsecured , instant loans that best suits your needs visit


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Marian Wright Edelman: A Christmas Day Prayer for America As We Celebrate the Birthday of the Most Famous Baby in History

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation where toddlers and school children die from guns sold quite legally.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation where small babies are homeless and cold quite legally.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation where small children suffer from hunger quite legally.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation that lets children be the poorest group of citizens quite legally.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation that lets the rich continue to get more at the expense of the poor quite legally.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation which thinks security rests in missiles and in bombs rather than in mothers and in babies.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation which protects guns before children.

O God, forgive and help us transform our rich and powerful nation for not giving You sufficient thanks by giving to others their daily bread.

O God, help us never to confuse what is quite legal with what is just and right in Your sight.

Help us to stand up together and speak up together and pray together and act together to make America safe, just and right for all Your children.

Copyright ? by Marian Wright Edelman

Please sign CDF's letter to the president and members of Congress demanding they #ProtectChildrenNotGuns.


Follow Marian Wright Edelman on Twitter:

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arunkumar25886: iormina hacienda: candida carnation: Biology ...

If you?re encountered with biology syllabus assessment in that case he/she really needs to fully grasp the exact objectives to make sure that he/she are able to comprehend the objective. There are 3 well-known objectives concerning learning the field of biology which generally are to have practical knowledge with understanding, ability to actually deal with important information and resolve issues in conjunction with learning experimental skillsets as well as inspections.

The actual Biology Syllabus entails of scientific phenomena specifics hence these particular 3 important objectives are crucial for the main assessment procedure. A few other reasons for assessment are to be capable of making predictions, address issues, manipulate data and locate ideal sources to get knowledge acquisition.

19 December 2012 | Reference and Education


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

FBI: 1 of 2 escaped Chicago inmates arrested

CHICAGO (AP) ? One of the two bank robbers who made a daring escape from a high-rise federal jail in Chicago was arrested after a dayslong manhunt, an FBI spokeswoman said early Friday.

Special Agent Joan Hyde said Joseph "Jose" Banks was captured without incident in Chicago. Agents and officers from the Chicago FBI's Violent Crimes Task Force, along with officers from the Chicago Police Department, arrested Banks about 11:30 p.m. Thursday, Hyde told The Associated Press in an email.

The search continued for Kenneth Conley, who fled the jail with Banks early Tuesday.

Banks, 37, and Conley, 38, somehow broke a large hole into the bottom of a 6-inch wide window of the Metropolitan Correctional Center, dropped a makeshift rope made of bed sheets out and climbed down about 20 stories to the ground.

The escape went unnoticed for hours, with surveillance video from a nearby street showing the two hop into a cab shortly before 3 a.m. Tuesday. They had changed out of their orange jail-issued jumpsuits.

When the facility did discover the two men were gone around 7 a.m., what was found revealed a meticulously planned escape, including clothing and sheets shaped to resemble a body under blankets on beds, bars inside a mattress and even fake bars in the cells.

A massive manhunt involving state, federal and local law enforcement agencies was launched, as SWAT teams stormed into the home of a relative of Conley only to learn the two escapees had been there and left. The authorities searched other area homes and businesses ? even a strip club where Conley once worked.

Law enforcement officials left a host of questions unanswered, including how the men could collect about 200 feet of bed sheets and what they might have used to break through the wall of the federal facility.

Banks, known as the Second-Hand Bandit because he wore used clothes during his heists, was convicted last week of robbing two banks and attempting to rob two others. Authorities say he stole almost $600,000, and most of that still is missing.

During trial, he had to be restrained because he threatened to walk out of the courtroom. He acted as his own attorney and verbally sparred with the prosecutor, at times arguing that U.S. law didn't apply to him because he was a sovereign citizen of a group that was above state and federal law.

Conley pleaded guilty last October to robbing a Homewood Bank last year of nearly $4,000. Conley, who worked at the time at a suburban strip club, wore a coat and tie when he robbed the bank and had a gun stuffed in his waistband.


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Fosmax Loads First LNG Cargo from Fos Cavaou ... - LNG World News

Fosmax Loads First LNG Cargo from Fos Cavaou Terminal in France

Fosmax LNG loaded an LNG cargo from the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal for the first time, replenishing the tanks? of? the Arctic Spirit.

The operation was performed safely and skillfully by teams from Fosmax LNG and Elengy.

The reloading service meets the market?s new demands, but is just one of the new services offered by the terminal in 2012. LNG reloading enables gas shippers to manage their supply portfolio more flexibly. The provision of the? service demonstrates Fosmax LNG?s commercial drive, responsiveness and desire to expand its range of activities.

Located on the Mediterranean coast, 50? km west of Marseille, the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal has received over 135 gas tankers since its start-up. A third of these are Q-Flex vessels? (with a capacity of? 210,000 m3), but the terminal can also accommodate? Q-Max carriers, which are? the largest gas? tankers in the world (270,000 m? 3? ). In 2011, the terminal already handled the equivalent of 11% of all?? the natural gas consumed in France, though it still has some expansion potential.

LNG World News Staff, December 21, 2012; Image: Elengy


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How to Use Internet to Turn Your Network Marketing Business ...

Using the internet has almost become a prerequisite for any entrepreneur running a network marketing business. The best way at present to find more people to add to your network is through the internet and the various resources available within. In fact, the internet has proven to be such an effective tool that almost every business regardless of type and nature is using it. Hence, there is no reason why you cannot use the internet to turn your network marketing business around to success.

How to Use Internet to Turn Your Network Marketing Business Around To Success

All you need to do is get a high quality internet connection with a PC or a laptop and you are set. You can see which internet service providers are available in your area at From there on in, you don?t even need to leave the comfort of your home to use the internet for the benefit of your network marketing business. Here are some tips you have to follow.

Get Your Own Domain

The first thing you need to do to use the internet for your business is to purchase your own domain. Then you can move ahead with creating a website for your business. Make sure the domain name reflects the name of your business and is not misleading. Keep in mind that the domain name is a key ingredient of establishing an online presence for your business. If people want to join your network, they need to be able to recall the domain name.

Learn to Optimize

Optimizing your website for search engines is a basic requirement of building your online presence. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something you need to learn to ensure your website appears in the initial searches when a person wants to look for businesses same as yours. Ultimately, the traffic you get to your website and landing page increases and you can get more customers. It may take some time and effort but learning how to optimize a website will pay off handsomely for you in the long run.

Update, Update, Update

Simple creating a website and optimizing it is not enough. One mistake made by network marketing business owners is that they set up the website and do some SEO. However, once they see the traffic increasing, they abandon their efforts in this regard. Instead, what you should do is constantly update your website with news about your business and any products you are planning to launch in the near future. It helps your website stay relevant and fresh and provides value to the visitors.

Be Open

One of the best tips you can follow to use the internet for turning around your network marketing business to success is being open. Offer all the information people might require for contacting you about any queries or questions they have or to obtain more information on products on your websites. Businesses which are open usually put their contact information boldly on the homepage of their website so that anyone looking for it can easily find it.

Advertize Persistently

Marketing your business online will lead to more people joining your network and being attracted to what it has to offer. For that you have to advertize your business through the available channels. Thankfully for you, the channels for promoting businesses online have improved considerably and provide more tangible results now.

Go Social

Use the social networking websites to your advantage. With a billion people using Facebook, it can be the biggest pool of networkers you will find in one place. It is imperative that you create profiles for your business on the leading social networks. You should also look at the websites your competitors are targeting and do the same. Don?t copy their tactic but at least you would have an idea of which direction to head in.

Be warned that the results of your efforts would take some time to show up. Hence, you have to be patient while working on taking your network marketing business online. The main point here is to keep at it without relenting. Only then will you be able to find success. The tips listed above can help you get to your goal.

Do subscribe to our?RSS feed, Follow us on?Twitter?and like our?Official GizmoLord Facebook Page?to get the latest updates and info on Technology.


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Lawmakers press for trade response to Bangladesh factory fire

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A dozen U.S. lawmakers pressed President Barack Obama's administration on Thursday to complete a long-running review that could lead to suspension of trade benefits for Bangladesh after a deadly factory blaze there last month.

"We are seriously concerned about the deterioration of working conditions and worker rights in Bangladesh," the congressional Democrats said in a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk.

"The latest apparel industry fire, with over 100 workers killed, in the Tazreen garment factory is the latest in a series of events and practices constituting this decline," the lawmakers said.

A Bangladeshi panel investigating the November 24 fire at the Tazreen Fashion Factory that killed 112 workers concluded it was the result of both sabotage and negligence.

A U.S. trade official said Kirk's office had been concerned about the worker-rights situation in Bangladesh for some time and had conveyed those concerns to the Bangladeshi government on numerous occasions.

The Tazreen fire had "intensified our concerns," the official said.

"USTR takes the rights and conditions of workers very seriously and we are carefully reviewing this situation to determine next steps, including with respect to an ongoing review of worker rights in Bangladesh under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program," the official said.

The Tazreen tragedy put a spotlight on global retailers that source clothes from Bangladesh, where labor costs are as little as $37 a month for some workers. Human rights groups have called on big-brand firms to sign up a fire-safety program.

The largest U.S. labor organization, the AFL-CIO federation, has raised concerns for years about working conditions in Bangladesh and filed a petition in 2007 asking for a review of trade benefits for the country under the GSP program, which waives U.S. import duties for poor countries on thousands of goods.

GSP rules require a country to demonstrate that it is "taking steps to afford internationally recognized human rights," the U.S. lawmakers said. "We believe it is vital that your office complete your assessment of Bangladesh's compliance with these requirements."

(Reporting By Doug Palmer; Editing by David Brunnstrom)


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Friday, December 21, 2012

SEO Web Design Services Provided By Web Creation Professionals ...

By Florine I. Hermiston

There are a number of different SEO web design services available to website owners, and small businesses. Such services can be provided individually, or in complete packages. Some companies charge a fixed price for everything, while others charge on an hourly basis. Web design services begin with the very formation of the website and end at the regular maintenance and upkeep of that same site.

The first step of creating a website is the design of that website and its pages in which designers work with their customers to build the overall look and layout of a website. Designers use art software to create graphic files displaying the appearance of each part of the website. Designers also create the graphic art that will be added to your website by the coder. These companies may really only offer design services, in that they don?t actually code the website. However, there are many companies that do provide both services for their customers. When interviewing a potential website artist, ask them if they have the skills to develop the site too.

Next, you?ll head on to website developers who can actually build the website. The coders know a number of Internet scripts used in websites, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They actually write out the code to create on the browser that the designer imagined in the design software. However, website developers don?t need to work from design files in order to create a site. More creative website developers can go ahead and start building simple website mockups from scratch. Design files will make a website go much faster and may even aid the coder creatively. These companies are also able to upload and launch that website from the preferred site host. SEO web design services, URL building, social networking, and site maintenance are all services also provided by developers.

When ready to launch your website you want to look for a website host that will provide a place for your website online and may also sell domain names. It is usually a service found through larger website design companies. The companies provide the databases on which to launch your website so that it can be online 24 hours a day. They do also provide security to help protect your information. Hosting companies usually bundle their services with other products, like domain names, mail hosting services, and even customer support services. Often, these website hosting companies will bundle their services in one or several packages with design and development services too. You may also be able to hire them for website maintenance services.

Website design and development services are quite varied. Before heading out to get those essential web design quotes, give a few moments to decide what services you want for that site. If you look at a bundled package you may end up saving yourself a lot of time and effort. If you just have a few requirements you may prefer to purchase one or two services at a time.

Crexendo provides service plans to their customers. For more additional information check out Crexendo Business Opportunity and Crexendo Online Services.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

AfricaMagic confirms new season of Big Brother Africa

 AfricaMagic confirms new season of Big Brother Africa

Having recently celebrated its? 9th birthday, AfricaMagic is heading into 2013 determined that its 10th year on air is going to be one that no viewer ever forgets! In addition to its first ever AfricaMagic Viewers Choice Awards which it is creating in association with MultiChoice, AfricaMagic today confirmed that it will also screen a new season of the hit reality super-series BIG BROTHER AFRICA.
Exactly a decade after Africa pioneered the world?s first-ever continental BIG BROTHER, the show will return to DStv and GOtv screens next year with more of the must-watch entertainment, drama and excitement that it?s famous for. And once again, there is a secret twist that producers have worked on to ensure that the new season will capture audience attention once more!

?The demand from audiences for BIG BROTHER AFRICA continues undimmed. In some ways it really is astonishing to see the enthusiasm for this particular series, but in other ways it is to be expected,? says M-Net Africa Managing Director Biola Alabi.

?Viewers want to see unscripted television, as it happens, with normal people that they can relate to dealing with completely familiar emotional concepts ? happiness, frustration, success, failure, hope, anxiety, friendship, opportunity and of course, love. Big Brother continues to be a ratings sensation from Australia to India, and in Africa, for exactly this reason. And the format?s flexibility is a producers dream because you can do something different every time!?

Given her comments it?s easy to understand why, when questioned about whether the new season will be fresh, fun entertainment, producers Endemol SA are confident of another successful edition.

?We are delighted with the new concept that has been developed for the upcoming show,? confirms Endemol MD Sivan Pillay. ?Every year as soon as we know that we are going ahead with a new season, we head into a creative brainstorming session and every year, ideas just go racing around the room. Our teams enjoy the show as much as audiences our audiences do and it shows on screen. And this year, I have a feeling that audiences are going to fall in love with the idea!?

For now though neither AfricaMagic or Endemol will say anything more on the new season except to advise that it will reveal further details about BIG BROTHER AFRICA in mid-January when the call to entry for new housemates will also begin on the AfricaMagic channels, on Facebook and Twitter, and on the channel website (


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How airway cells regenerate after chlorine gas injury

Dec. 19, 2012 ? Scarring of the airways can lead to long-term breathing problems for some people exposed to high levels of chlorine gas from events such as an industrial accident, chemical spill following a train derailment or terroristic chemical warfare. Household mishaps from mixing bleach with acidic cleaning products also can cause release of chlorine gas; if this occurs in a poorly ventilated space, chlorine levels could be high enough to cause lung injury.

University of Louisville scientist Gary Hoyle, Ph.D., School of Public Health and Information Sciences Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and his team have uncovered new clues in understanding how epithelial cells -- the cells that line the trachea, bronchi and other airways that carry air in and out of the lung -- repair themselves after chlorine gas exposure. The findings were recently published in the American Journal of Physiology -- Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology in the article, Differential Susceptibility of Inbred Mouse Strains to Chlorine-Induced Airway Fibrosis. The research is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) CounterACT program.

"The repair of injured epithelial cells is necessary to restore normal lung structure and function," Hoyle said. "The goal is to prevent scarring or fibrosis in the airways. It is a race between new epithelial cell growth and scar tissue development, and it takes about five to seven days after chlorine exposure for that to begin."

Following chlorine-related injury, Hoyle found that a type of epithelial cells called basal cells initiated the repair and served as progenitor cells -- early descendants of stem cells that can differentiate to form one or more cell types. The progenitor cells helped restore new tissue in the airways.

"Structural changes in the respiratory system are difficult to reverse, so understanding how cells function and multiply can help us develop treatments to prevent scarring and subsequent asthma-like breathing problems that affect for a life time some people who've experienced high levels of chlorine exposure," Hoyle said.

This type of lung injury also can be caused by other types of industrial chemicals including ammonia, methylisocyanate and sulfur dioxide.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Louisville, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Y. Mo, J. Chen, C. F. Schlueter, G. W. Hoyle. Differential Susceptibility of Inbred Mouse Strains to Chlorine-Induced Airway Fibrosis. AJP: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 2012; DOI: 10.1152/ajplung.00272.2012

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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NASA prepares twin spacecraft for crash landing

Ebb and Flow, two spacecraft that have been investigating the moon's gravitational field, will end their existence by smashing into the moon's north pole next week. The event is not likely to be visible from Earth, but the?Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter?may catch a glimpse. ? ?

By Alicia Chang,?Associated Press / December 13, 2012

This artist rendering released by NASA shows the twin spacecraft Ebb and Flow orbiting the moon. The duo is preparing for a crash landing on the moon next week.



After nearly a year circling the moon,?NASA's?Ebb and Flow will meet their demise when they crash ? on purpose ? into the lunar surface.

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Just don't expect to see celestial fireworks. Next week's impact near the moon's north pole by the washing machine-sized spacecraft won't carve a gaping crater or kick up a lot of debris. And it'll be dark when it happens.

"We are not expecting a big flash or a big explosion" that will be visible from Earth, said mission chief scientist Maria Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Still, it'll mark a violent end to a successful mission that has produced the most high-resolution gravity maps of Earth's closest neighbor. On Friday, engineers will turn off the science instruments in preparation for Monday's finale.

Previous unmanned trips to the moon have studied its lumpy gravitational field, but Ebb and Flow are the first ones dedicated to this goal. Since entering orbit over New Year's weekend, the formation-flying spacecraft have peered past the craggy surface into the interior.

Initially, the spacecraft flew about 35 miles (56 kilometers) above the surface and later dropped down to 14 miles (22 kilometers). About an hour before Monday's impact, they will fire their engines until they run out of fuel and slam at 3,800 mph (6,115 kph) into a predetermined target ? a mountain near the north pole that's far away from the Apollo landing sites.

Ebb will hit first followed by Flow 20 seconds later. Though the drama won't be visible from Earth, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will fly over the crash site afterward and attempt to spot them.

The last time?NASA?aimed at the moon was in 2009. The world watched through telescopes and over the Internet as a spacecraft and its booster rocket smashed into a permanently shadowed crater ? a one-two punch that fizzled when spectators saw little more than a fuzzy white flash.

The mission's end will also mark the close of a student campaign that used cameras aboard the spacecraft to image lunar targets including on the moon's far side. The MoonKAM project was spearheaded by a science education company founded by Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. Ride died of pancreatic cancer in July at age 61.

Even after Ebb and Flow complete their mission, scientists will continue to pore over the bounty of data they collected.

Among their findings so far: The moon is more beat up than previously imagined. The crust is much thinner than thought. And there's no evidence that Earth once had two moons that collided to form the one we see in the night sky.

Follow Alicia Chang at


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Roofing Contractor Installs New Roof Ventilation Product - Tell Toledo


Toledo, Ohio (December 12, 2012) ? Toledo roofing contractor, Arnold?s Home Improvement, was the first in the Toledo, OH area to install a new Owens Corning? roof ventilation product; the VentSure? InFlow? Vent. Arnold?s also installed a prototype version of the Owens Corning and VentSure? Solar Attic Exhaust Fan.

?A home?s roof is a big investment and is vital in protecting your family, home and possessions,? said Jason Arnold, owner of Arnold?s Home Improvement. ?We worked very hard to become Top of the House? certified by Owens Corning because we truly believe that proper ventilation provides for a healthier, more durable roof,? he continued. ?We are proud to offer these two new VentSure products as part of a balanced roofing system to help maximize the longevity of a home?s roof.?

?Owens Corning is enthused about our latest, customer-driven ventilation solutions,? commented Jay Wagner, assistant product manager at Owens Corning. ?The InFlow Vent is ideal for soffit-less homes and homes with inadequate air intake, and is easily installed at or above the eave,? he continued. ?Our 25-watt Solar Attic Exhaust Fan is a technologically-advanced, high-performance product equipped with a thermostat and humidistat to optimize fan operation. It also has an optional Remote Attic Monitor which is a handheld device displaying the attic temperature, relative humidity, and fan operation without ever having to go into the attic.?

Without proper roof ventilation, excessive heat and moisture can get trapped in the attic, causing damage to homes. The VentSure Solar Attic Exhaust Fan uses solar power or electricity to protect a home from mold, mildew, premature deterioration and higher energy bills. The VentSure InFlow Vent is an intake vent that works with asphalt-shingled roofs to help reduce heat and moisture buildup and the occurrence of ice damming.

About Arnold?s Home Improvement
Founded in 1990, Arnold?s Home Improvement is an award-winning home improvement and remodeling contractor located in Toledo, OH providing services throughout northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. The company?s mission is to provide value, comfort and convenience for clients through personal and caring service. Arnold?s Home Improvement has an A+ BBB rating, is an Owens Corning Platinum Contractor and is a member of the Professional Remodelers Organization (PRO). For additional information or a free, no hassle estimate, call 419.476.9600 or visit

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Stephanie Brown - Arnold's Home Improvement | 1770 Tremainsville Rd. | Toledo, OH 43613 | | 419-476-9600 No Comments ?

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

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Boehner holds troops in line on 'fiscal cliff' deal talks

WASHINGTON | Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:37pm IST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A deal to avert a "fiscal cliff" of U.S. tax hikes and spending cuts looked closer on Tuesday after House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner kept the support of his Republican colleagues for compromises in talks with President Barack Obama.

Despite concerns of a revolt by Republicans in the House, Boehner emerged from a meeting with his members unscathed and pledged to press forward on negotiations with the White House. Boehner's concession last week to consider higher tax rates on the wealthiest Americans - an idea long fought by his party - signaled that a deal was possible ahead of a year-end deadline.

Republican Representative Darrell Issa, a key committee chairman, said House Republicans "were supportive of the speaker. ... I saw no one there get up and say, 'I can't support the speaker.'" Boehner is the top Republican in Congress.

Boehner told reporters after meeting his caucus - which includes a core of fiscal conservatives aligned with the Tea Party movement opposed to tax hikes - that Obama's latest offer on taxing the wealthiest Americans is "not there yet," but he remained hopeful of an agreement.

In a major concession to Republican demands, Obama on Monday offered to set a $400,000 threshold for incomes that would face tax increases with the expiration at the end of the year of low tax rates enacted under former President George W. Bush.

Obama had previously insisted on setting the threshold at $250,000. Boehner has been seeking a level of $1 million. Analysts said the two may compromise on $500,000.

Obama and Boehner are working to avert steep tax hikes and deep spending cuts set to begin taking effect next month. Known as the "fiscal cliff," the measures could trigger another recession, economists warn.

As negotiations have largely overcome ideological differences and turned to increasingly narrow disagreements over numbers, markets turned upward on hopes of a deal.

World shares moved toward a three-month high on Tuesday and weakened appetite for safe-haven bonds and the dollar. The benchmark Dow Jones industrial average of 30 major U.S. industrial stocks was up less than 1 percent. The gain followed a steep rally in the previous session.


As both parties tried to digest details of a possible agreement, Boehner put forward what he called "Plan B" legislation. If brought to the House floor, the bill would let Republicans show that they worked to keep income tax rates low on most Americans. For weeks they have feared a public backlash against them if tax rates rise on January 1.

Boehner said a vote on a Republican bill along these lines could come as early as this week in the House.

Obama could face unrest from rank and file fellow Democrats. Liberal Democrats are likely to oppose a key compromise he has offered to permit shrinking cost-of-living increases for all but the most vulnerable beneficiaries of the Social Security retirement program.

The president's proposal calls for using a different formula, known as "chained Consumer Price Index," to determine the regular cost-of-living increases and essentially reduces benefits.

Obama on Monday conceded allowing the extension of low income tax rates begun during the Bush administration for incomes up to $400,000 per household. He had previously insisted setting that cut-off at $250,000.

Boehner had earlier conceded to agreeing that Bush-era tax rates can expire for the wealthiest Americans, after opposing for months tax rate increases of any kind. He proposed setting a $1 million income threshold for raising rates.

Some analysts expect a compromise could come at $500,000. "That still looks like a safe bet," said Greg Valliere, chief political strategist at Potomac Research Group.

Obama also moved closer to Boehner on the proportion of a 10-year deficit reduction package that should come from increased revenue, as opposed to cuts in government spending. Obama is now willing to accept a revenue figure of $1.2 trillion, down from his previous $1.4 trillion proposal.

Boehner's latest proposal calls for $1 trillion in new tax revenue from higher tax rates and the curbing of some tax deductions taken by high-income Americans.

Missing from Obama's latest offer was any extension of the so-called "payroll tax holiday" that ends on January 1, bringing an immediate tax increase on wage earners.

A Republican aide who asked not to be identified said that "conceptually" there was agreement to make permanent changes in the tax code, with some of those changes taking effect at the start of 2013 and others at the beginning of 2014.

A thorough cliff-avoiding agreement could immediately substitute more targeted spending cuts for the indiscriminate slashing of programs known as "sequestration."

Possible plans to produce cuts in spending for Medicare and Medicaid, the government health insurance programs for seniors and low-income Americans respectively, remained to be discussed.

Boehner and Obama have made headway on the politically explosive question of the president's ability to avoid constant battles over raising the nation's debt ceiling, which controls the level of borrowing by the government. Boehner is ready to give Obama a year of relative immunity from conservative strife over the debt ceiling, while Obama is pushing for two years.

(Additional reporting by David Lawder, Kim Dixon and Fred Barbash; Writing by Kevin Drawbaugh; Editing by Alistair Bell and Will Dunham)


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Monday, December 17, 2012

?the Mayan Indians and a tree bearing a fruit known as ?the food of ...

Chocolate literally grows on trees, appearing in its raw state as pods on the 40-60 foot tall trees known botanically as ?Theobroma cacao,? which means ?food of the gods.? This widebranching tropical evergreen has grown wild in Central America since prehistoric times. It also grows in South America, Africa and part of Asia.

? The Mayan Indians of Mexico began using a form of chocolate as early as 600 a.d., at which point they worshiped the cocoa bean as an idol, a literal gift from the heavens.

? Cocoa beans were thought to have fearsome magical powers by the Maya and were carefully used in rituals, religious ceremonies and healings by priests. The Maya used cocoa medicinally as a treatment for fever, coughs and even discomfort during pregnancy.

? The Maya had a God, Ykchaua, who served as the patron of cocoa merchants.

? The Maya were the first to invent a cocoa drink, a hot, mostly bitter beverage made up ground cocoa pods and spices.

? Later, the Aztec Indians improved upon the recipe, sweetening it with vanilla and honey. They called their drink ?xocoati? (pronounced similar to Chocolatl), meaning ?bitter water.?

? In Aztec myth, the god of agriculture, Questzalcoatl, traveled to earth carrying the cocoa tree from Paradise, because it would bring humans wisdom and power.

? Chocolate became so highly regarded by the Aztecs that it was used as a form of currency along with gold dust.

? The Florentine Codex, one of the main historical sources describing Aztec life, calls chocolate ?The drink of nobles,? and notes that it must be prepared with the meticulous care due to its powerful nature.

? Although Columbus returned to Europe with the first cocoa beans, no one knew what to do with them and they were dismissed in favor of other trade goods.

? Europeans got their first real taste of chocolate when Emperor Moctezuma met the explorer Cortes and his army with a foaming hot chocolate drink.

?The True History of Chocolate (Second Edition)?A beautifully written?and illustrated history of the Food of the Gods, from Olmecs to present-day developments.?

The story begins some 3,000 years ago in the jungles of Mexico and Central America with the chocolate tree, Theobroma Cacao, and the complex processes necessary to transform its bitter seeds into what is now known as chocolate. This was centuries before chocolate was consumed in generally unsweetened liquid form and used as currency by the Maya, and the Aztecs after them. The Spanish conquest of Central America introduced chocolate to Europe, where it first became the drink of kings and aristocrats and then was popularized in coffeehouses.

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Video: Fiscal Cliff Progress

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Marty Kaplan: Sandy Hook, Sandy and the Politics of Learned Helplessness

"We have got to get Michelle to make this her priority."

It was my friend Judith, a wise woman, a mother and grandmother, on the phone from across the country, the evening of the day of the Newtown massacre, trying to figure out how to enlist the first lady in a campaign against gun violence.

From the email Judith wrote her: "Unless from the top with unyielding outrage we rein in and destroy the gun lobby -- unless we stigmatize the NRA as we stigmatized the Ku Klux Klan -- we will be robbed of any claim we have to our children's and grandchildren's respect."

She was calling to get my help to get Michelle Obama's attention. I was appalled by how effortlessly cynical was the response that came out of my mouth.

This one is different, I said. That's what everyone is saying, and it's true. Mowing down first-graders with a Bushmaster ("for us, building rifles and carbines is more than a job -- it's a passion") turns a new page in hell.

But even if Michelle Obama does take this on; even if her husband, freed from the calculus of re-election, summons us in a soaring second inaugural to curb the culture of gun violence; even if in his State of the Union address to Congress he demands a ban on assault weapons, on high-count magazines and on armor-piercing bullets, and he calls for an end to firearms sales at gun shows, and requests funds for mental health screening and violence prevention -- no matter what the first lady or the president or millions of mothers marching on Washington or the rest of us may say or do, neither the House nor the Senate will pass such a law. The NRA is simply too powerful. There are too many cowards in Congress, on both sides of the aisle, who will protect their seats before they protect their fellow citizens.

By the end of the weekend, I realized that "cynical" isn't the right word to describe my reaction to Judith's idea to recruit Michelle Obama. Nor is Realpolitik. Here's what it is: learned helplessness -- a 21st century disease of the American soul, born of the dysfunction of our political system. It's the sinking admission that we are powerless to be the change we've been waiting for. It's the painful evidence that the Washington deck is stacked against the kind of gun regulation that even cops and most of the NRA's own members favor. It's the gut-punching recognition that no horror, however unspeakable, will turn that around. This wail is a civic sickness, and I got it bad, and that ain't good.

And it's not just about guns.

The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy was widely characterized as a wake-up call on climate change. It dragged the global environmental crisis into the U.S. presidential campaign at the eleventh hour, after its disgraceful absence from national debate. It was hailed as a shot of courage for timid lawmakers to consider a carbon tax, and to abjure the myth of "clean coal," and to confront the real risks of exploiting oil shale and tar sands. It was an opportunity to alert the public to the fraudulent claim that scientists differ on climate change, a hoax financed by the fossil fuel industry and modeled on the phony controversy over cigarettes causing cancer that was manufactured by Big Tobacco. At the end of August, in Tampa, Mitt Romney got laughs for saying, "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet"; only two months later, when Sandy brought misery and death to the eastern seabord, it became clear that the joke was on us.

Public opinion polls bear that up. The same day as the Sandy Hook slayings, an Associated Press-Gfk poll was released; it found that 4 out of 5 Americans say global warming will be a serious U.S. problem unless action is taken to reduce it. "Belief and worry about climate change," said the AP,

"are inching up among Americans in general, but concern is growing faster among people who don't often trust scientists on the environment. In follow-up interviews, some of those doubters said they believe their own eyes as they've watched thermometers rise, New York City subway tunnels flood, polar ice melt and Midwestern farm fields dry up."

Reporting this poll, The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper, told its congressional readers that "57 percent of adults believe the U.S. government should do a 'great deal' about global warming." Will it? I can imagine inspiring words about climate change from the president in January. I can believe that grass-roots efforts like Bill McKibben's will continue to gain traction on college campuses. I have no doubt that the more stories about climate change that Americans hear and see, the more they will demand action from their representatives.

But as things stand, it is virtually inconceivable to me that our lawmakers will rise to the challenge. The petroleum industry swings as big a bat in Washington as the gun lobby. Even if the president has the second-term courage to propose it, our corrupt campaign finance system won't make an enlightened exception for a cap-and-trade bill. The fear of losing a race exceeds the fear of losing a planet.

Are special interests invincible? No, and each counter-example is a ray of hope, something we could all use this season. Last August, in the heat of the campaign, President Obama courageously doubled fuel efficiency standards by 2025, which will cut greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light trucks in half. When the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 was passed in 1994, it was called "a blow to the credibility and power of the nation's gun lobby," proof that the "NRA is no longer bullet proof." Still, I can't help noting that the CAFE standards were raised by executive action, and didn't require the assent of the Tea Party Congress. Or that the 1994 assault weapons ban was able to pass the House (by a razor-thin margin of 216 votes) because the NRA suffered 38 Republican defections, led by GOP leader Bob Michel of Illinois, who arguably was able to reverse his previous opposition to the ban because he -- like several NRA-friendly Democrats who also voted for it -- was about to retire from Congress. That fall, when Newt Gingrich and the Republicans took over the House, the narrative was born, and persists to this day, that bucking the NRA is political suicide.

This time around, I'd love my pessimism to be proven wrong. I'd be thrilled if Michelle Obama were the answer. I'd be grateful to rekindle my confidence in democracy. Learned helplessness is the status quo's most pernicious enabler, and I welcome any ladder out of this pit. But whether it's guns or climate change, poverty or plutocracy, war or water: whatever problem most troubles any of us, I'm convinced that the way forward requires a transformational solution to the power of money and fear to determine our national fate.

This is my column from The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. You can read more of my columns here, and email me there if you'd like.


Follow Marty Kaplan on Twitter:

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Foods To Cure Hepatitis ? Best Diet For Hepatitis

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Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Diet For HepatitisLiver is an important organ in the body. It filters the blood passing through it and eliminates the toxins from it. Hepatitis damages the liver and impairs its ability to eliminate the toxins. So, you have to be careful about what foods you consume. Here are some dietary tips to help you deal with hepatitis.

General Advice

Just because you have hepatitis, it does not mean that your dietary requirements are drastically altered. You would still need the right amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. However, the foods from which you should try to get them and their quantity can be different. Do not eat large meals at any time.

Try to eat 5-7 small meals a day, including snacks in the evening. This will reduce the burden on the liver. Eating small meals also compensates for the reduced ability of the liver to store glucose in the form of glycogen, allowing it to store small amounts with each meal.

Foods to Take

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have many nutrients and also antioxidants. Antioxidants will boost your immune system and help you fight the disease. Try to choose fresh fruits from various coloured groups. Vegetables that are helpful are green leafy vegetables, broccoli and tomatoes.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the inflammation of liver. Body cannot synthesise them on its own. Fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, sardines and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Other foods rich in them are flax seeds and their oil, canola oil and walnuts.

Complex Carbohydrates

Starchy vegetables and whole grains are complex carbohydrates that provide plant-based chemicals called phytonutrients. Phytonutrients help fight the disease. Whole grains are brown rice, whole-grain bread, rye and oats. Starchy vegetables are sweet potatoes and winter squash.

Foods Adequate in Protein

Foods Rich in Protien

Protein helps in repair and maintenance of the tissues of the body, so it will heal the liver cells that are damaged. Milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, eggs, soy, dried beans and nuts contain good amount of protein. Consume them in moderate quantities.

Meals Low in Fat

Liver produces bile, which aids in the digestion of fats. In hepatitis, since the liver is damaged, the ability to digest fats is impaired. So, your diet should be low in fat.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Food is the best way to get vitamins and minerals. If you are consuming a balanced diet as above, you will get them in right amounts. But, a multivitamin and mineral supplement may be helpful.

Also Read

Hepatitis Liver Causes, Symptoms And Management
Hepatitis C Symptoms
Important Types Of Hepatitis

Foods to Avoid

Fatty Foods

Fast foods, fried foods, and processed products like crackers and cookies are high in fat, and should be avoided. Limit your consumption of animal fat, which is found in poultry and meat.

Salty Foods

Too much salt can lead to excess fluid retention in the body. So, restrict its intake. Foods high in salt are canned soups, chips and processed foods like crackers.

Sugary Foods

Sugary Foods

The many forms of sugar are sucrose, fructose, honey, corn syrup and maple syrup. Sugary foods provide mainly calories and little else. So, avoid desserts, pastries and sweets.


Even in healthy people, alcohol acts as a toxin to the liver, so you can imagine how harmful it can be when you have a diseased liver. Avoid alcohol altogether.

Best Diet For Hepatitis, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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