Sunday, December 30, 2012

Huge exercise difference, kids vs. adults, health and fitness pros ...

Today, December 30, 2012 the Engineers preparing next year?s Adult Exercise Efficiency Scoring Project, released a nine hundred word report covering how the efficiency, of eventually 200 popular muscle and cardio building exercises, will be measured, scored and reported for adults.

They also explained why they believe it could take years before learning how to accurately rate Exercise Efficiency, for the still growing bodies of children.

Here is today?s statement, exactly as provided to

The energy tracing methods used by engineers to evaluate building plans, when applied instead to the human body, expose how riding a bicycle, while holding the same heart rate, for the same amount of time, as running, allows the adult?s core running muscles to exert up to 4-5 times more force than is possible to exert while running, with far less pain and skeletal damage.

In other words, in the same amount of time, doing the same amount of cardio exercise, riding a bike will build far more core and leg running strength for the average adult, than running physically can.

The structural factor for noticing this huge increase in adult Exercise Efficiency, is that while sitting on the bike, the leg joints are not also hosting battles between falling body weight and External Motion Resistance (from gravity), simply because the bike supports their body weight instead of their leg joints.

By not allowing hundreds of g-force pounds to simultaneously smash leg joints the bike rider?s leg joints are free to fight immensely more running muscle exertion, they are not first deeply compressed by falling body weight.

This is one of countless examples that Exercise Efficiency not only exists exists, but that as far as for cardio exercise, the heart can work just as hard from either skeletal stress or muscles demanding more oxygen.

As far as adults go, using Skeletal Based cardio is inefficient as they don?t need to work anything harder than muscles, but all popular cardio exercises methods stress both joints and muscles.

The heart will pound from either joint or muscle stress.

For instance, if you have someone clamp your hands in iron claim, hard enough to cause enough deep skeletal stress, you can hold a targeted heart rate, which dose not make an iron clamp an efficient cardio exercise machine.

Cycling compared to running is a most common example of far less skeletal involvement, for the same amount of cardio effort.

So far, humans have only mastered the types of high exertion exercises that work best for healthy children, as their still growing joints and spinal discs, can be farther strengthened this way.

In the year 2000, out of necessity, we began using engineering research science to trace the forces of physical exercises, through the human body.

One of the first discoveries this revealed, was that almost every muscle or cardio strengthening method children and adults are taught, works (stresses) the moving parts of their skeletons (joints and spinal discs), four to twenty times harder than the muscles the method targets (that is once these muscles have become conditioned to doing the exercise).

Force Mapping reveals that ?Skeletal Based? exercises, are not only almost the only type of muscle or cardio exercises (wet or dry) Health and fitness experts have ever taught, but that they can be extremely empowering for healthy children.

This is because their still growing skeletons develop even stronger joints and spinal discs, to better handle high compression exercises preformed regularly.

However, between ages 18 -23, human skeletons harden into adulthood, and then the joint and disc building up process starts slowing down. At this age continuing the same Skeletal Based exercise cycle every few days, they did in high school, no longer provides their moving skeletal parts enough time to even fully recover before the next high compression exercise session blasts them again.

As average adult grows older, the time and ability for their joints and discs to fully recover continues to extend, and even become unattainable, by continued use of the same exercises that once empowered them as children.

So instead of adult joints and discs also growing stronger after each joint blasting workout, they start wearing out, so the exact same amount of exertion becomes continually more painful and damaging for the average adult to even do, and so less then 4% of adults even stay in shape.

This huge, but still unrealized difference between children and adults by America?s health and fitness experts, makes rating Exercise Efficiency for average adults, seniors and even mobility disabled adults, rather easy to score.

Because adults no longer need joint or disc smashing during exercises, their Exercise Efficiency is simply the percentage of all External Motion Resistance Energy, from any muscle or cardio exercise, that only opposes their muscle contractions. If all of it only opposes contractions, than it?s Adult Exercise Efficiency Score will be 100%, but only for adults.

However, because a 100% exercise for adults, cannot not maximize the strength of the growing joints and discs in children, this exercise could be far less than 50% for them.

Exercise Efficiency is simple for adults because their joints and discs no longer benefit from exercise methods that crush them, so any resistance that dissipates from joint and disc compression, is totally wasted for adults, and harming the long term health and fitness of adult joints and discs.

Unfortunately, an Exercise Efficiency for children, is as hard to determine as it is easy to for adults. Beyond the fact that their softer growing joints and discs can be farther strengthened by compression, Exercise Efficiency for children becomes an issue of determining how much skeletal based exercise is the right amount, and we have found too many factors that apply.

Every time we tried to get a handle on scoring Exercise Efficiency for children we found more questions than answers. We can say with 100% certainty that Exercise Efficiency for growing bodies even varies from one child to the next, based on factors that are not involved with scoring Adult Exercise Efficiency.

For example, a child with low bone density or mass, may suffer far more pain and skeletal damage than a child with high bone density. We found that other factors, like how straight their extremity bones and joints are, and even how large the child?s feet and hands are, can vary the efficiency of same Skeletal Based exercise from one child to another.

Since adults gain no skeletal benefit from smashing their joints and spinal discs during exercise, high Exercise Efficiency is most simply achieved by preventing the External Motion Resistance Energy from fighting other forces inside joints and discs, as children need these battles in varying amounts based on individual factors.

So until all of these factors are identified, and then made measurable, we do not believe that accurately predicting Exercise Efficiency Scores for children is not possible. This is the reason why this project is, and should only be considered relatively accurate (5% either way) for people over 22, and why it should not be even considered for creating workouts for healthy children.

Because the contributor of these articles is also heavily involved with this exercise efficiency project, expect news, to release a review for each exercise method and it?s score. These reviews are also expected to, include illustrations and or animations depicting the exercise forces of each exercise method, as each are posted.

Possibly the most important aspect of this project, is pointing out ways to redirect some to all of the External Motion Resistance Energy of modern exercise methods and workout machines, directly against muscle contractions, before their energy can cause joint and spinal compression.

That concludes their report.

Starting the second week of January, you will also be able to see these scores at, by entering ?Exercise Efficiency?, or ?Modern Fitness?, or listed under their health and fitness category, as they are released.

The first exercise method that will be posted, rated, and according to them, ?how it can be greatly improved, so far more adults and seniors can benefit?, will cover the basic tread mill, and secondly will be the stationary bicycle. They will be evaluated only as cardio exercise machines, generically (no brand names).

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