Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jennifer Redmond teaches Writing, Pitching and Selling Fiction for ...

Home ? Classes ? Jennifer Redmond teaches Writing, Pitching and Selling Fiction for Young Adults (YA)

Jennifer Redmond is back with a great new class!

Writing, Pitching and Selling Fiction for Young Adults (YA)

What makes great YA fiction? How can one break into this competitive market? What are the best options for self-publishing and marketing YA fiction?

Jennifer Silva Redmond, longtime editor and publishing consultant has worked with many authors of YA fiction?one client?s new YA novel?just hit the shelves?and with many publishers to market their YA books.

Bring a one paragraph pitch or a query letter about your book, whether it is already written or still at the concept stage. We?ll work on how to get it written, polished, and ready to be sold.


Jennifer Silva Redmond is Editor-in-Chief of Sunbelt Publications, an award-winning small press, and a freelance editor and publishing consultant. Her own fiction and nonfiction stories have appeared in many magazines and books. She was prose editor for the SDWI Anthology, A Year in Ink, vol 3. Co-founder of the critically acclaimed Sea of Cortez Review (1998-2001), she enjoys speaking to groups of readers and writers, and is proud to be on the staff of the Southern California Writer?s Conference.


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