Thursday, August 11, 2011

Infant security and home improvement - NOW is the time ...

When undertaking major home improvement projects, one thing people often neglect is the issue of child-proofing. If children are not an immediate prospect, then it can seem rather extraneous to consider child safety when designing your home interior. Even if you ARE expecting the patter of tiny feet in the near future and are preparing the nest for the new arrival, the day when those feet actually do start pattering can seem a very long way off, and the necessity to secure your home for maximum child safety a quite unnecessary consideration.

The truth is, though, that any couple remotely considering children in the future should not undertake a major home improvement project without giving this issue some thought ? it is all very nice investing in gorgeous, designer furniture and decoration, but time will pass more quickly than you think, and just a few years down the line such indulgences could be something you regret, when your toddler and his or her inquisitive hands are let loose on your abode.

So what kind of thing should you think about, even now, that will save you a lot of cost and work when the stork announces its arrival?

Soft flooring, probably carpet, may not seem as glamorous as parquet, laminate or expensive Italian tiles, but trust me, you will feel a lot happier that your toddler has a forgiving surface to fall onto (and falling is something toddlers do a lot). Also, carpet is not as slippery as these other solutions, which can send your wee nipper flying and actually present a serious risk of injury.

Sharp corners, no matter how ?in? they may be at a given moment in time, need to be eliminated when baby starts walking, and that is going to be a lot easier if done during major home improvements than after the fact.

Shelves and cupboards
It is well worth opting for cupboards and shelving with doors and locks already built in ? your toddler WILL find these the most fascinating part of the house, and adding locks, or even doors, to all these furnishings at a later stage is going to be a huge job.

Wire and cable management should be part and parcel of any home improvement project anyway, but it is worth noting. Though it is tempting, not to say the lazy option, to leave speaker and appliance wires running all over the house, it won?t be long before these become the centre of attention for little hands, and you will wish you had safely stashed them out of sight and out of reach well in advance.

Windows need to be securable, lockable, and all furniture needs to be kept well away from them, so your progeny cannot climb up to have a closer look. You may as well plan your living space with that in mind now rather than later ? it will save time and money later on down the line.

There is a lot more that could be said on this subject, but the idea of this article was not to go into child-proofing your home in detail ? there are plenty of other resources where you can read more on the subject. The idea was to demonstrate how much you need to think ahead when planning your home interior ? perhaps children are not an immediate prospect, but then again, they may be here sooner than you think.

Oh, P.S. OK, there is one last idea, related to doors ? little fingers can get caught in these and injured very badly. You need to think about doors which eliminate this possibility, which includes various kinds of sliding door or folding door. You might like to take a look at this article about doors to get some ideas. Another good resource is this site about interior doors.


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