Friday, September 16, 2011

This is Abuse How to stop it | Indian Celebrities, Latest Fashion, All ...

K government?s new web campaign called? This is Abuse?aims to educate young people about abusive relationships and domestic violence? and offer them the help they need.

Social media sites are flooded with news posts citing relationship abuse.?One woman writes,?I had a miscarriage? [my boyfriend] tells me I killed my baby and I always get called nasty names like slag and slut? im scared of what he will do next.?Another comments:?recently [my boyfriend] told me to kill myself. He can?t stand me. He?s only with me for one thing, but then the next day he says he loves me. He?s only hit me a few times and im really confused.?

A third gives away the most shocking thing about the writers? they are all teenagers:?Im going out with a boy who blackmails me into having sex with him? He controls everything I do. I want to tell my mum. But I don?t no how. What do I do??

A survey conducted by the Boston Public Health Commission in 2009 found that of 200 Young People?aged 12 to 19, 46% of respondents blamed pop star Rihanna for the brutal attack by her then boyfriend, Chris Brown. A 2010 survey by the End Violence against Women Coalition found that 29% of 16 to 18-year olds have been subjected to?unwanted sexual touching at school?? and 40% had not received lessons or information on sexual consent or didn?t know whether they had.

To counter all such inhumane incidents the UK government has launched a teen relationship abuse campaign and website called? This Is Abuse? on which teens have posted those harrowing messages.

Alongside information on what constitutes abuse, the site, which is funded by the Home Office, uses charities such as Women?s Aid and ChildLine to provide live web chats and forums to offer expert advice. Laura from Women?s Aid, who conducts the live web chats, points out:?Because of the nature of teenage relationships, there?s a tendency not to take them as seriously. But it?s essentially the same pattern of coercive, controlling behaviour, and the same levels of physical, sexual, emotional, psychological abuse.?

The only difference is the medium.?A lot of it is done via social media and texts; essentially, they?re using the tools at their disposal.?Now, at least, these tools are being put to?better?use.

Having been started in UK, the website can prove promising against fighting teenage abuse in India as well.


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