Saturday, May 21, 2011

Healthy HR Business TIps Work Life Balance ? Human Resources ...



Healthy Work And Life Balance

Healthy Work And Life Balance

In a challenging economy, Total HR Management has seen that finding an effective balance between work and life has become difficult. Trying to compensate for financial difficulties, companies are asking more and more from their employees, expecting home life to be sacrificed for the demands of the workplace. Numerous studies, however, have shown that such demands actually hurt an employee?s productivity, ultimately affecting a company?s bottom line. Total HR Management offers some very basic recommendations in achieving an effective balance between work and life.

Although the tough economic times have led directly to business cutbacks and lay offs, such an atmosphere should not result in the panic-driven need to become a workaholic. Instead, we need to work more effectively and efficiently while making greater use of the most precious of intangible commodities: time. Here are a few ideas on how this essential balance can be achieved:

First, without question, your home life should always be as much of a priority as your work life.? If work is damaging your personal life, both areas ultimately will be affected. By treating your home life as seriously as you treat deadlines or projects at work, your will be able to keep priorities straight. The problem is we often take our home life for granted and do not think of it as a priority. By making your home life a priority and being clear about what is truly needed to do this, your productivity and effectiveness at work will actually improve.



Is Home Life Your First Priority?

Is Home Life Your First Priority? If Not...

Second, in order to make home life a priority as well as work, you have to learn to improve your boundaries and treat your home life as sacred. Although this requirement seems very basic, it can prove to be difficult. With constant access to laptops and smart phones keeping us connected to work, properly managing time has become a challenge because the boundaries have been blurred. By designating times when you do not check your smart phone, you can greatly improve your home life. For example, shouldn?t family dinnertime be work-free, a time when we are only connected to our families? In addition, try to remember to leave work at work and avoid talking about work at home. Home should be about home and work should be about work.

Third, if you are going to respect the most precious of intangible commodities ? time ? you will have to keep track of how you are wasting it and cut out items that are time wasters. Such choices can include cutting the time spent complaining at work. By focusing on the real tasks at hand, you can maximize your work time. In addition, learn to avoid micromanaging and delegate effectively. By delegating non-essential responsibilities, you can focus on what is important and essential. Luckily, teaming up with an outsourcing company like Total HR Management helps you and your employees work on your business and not in the human resources maze.



Find A Healthy, Productive Balance

Find A Healthy, Productive Balance

Finally, always remember to take care of yourself and foster a healthy lifestyle. If you are not getting enough rest, exercise, and nutrition to keep you going on a daily basis, both your work life and your home life will suffer as a direct result. You ultimately cannot be there for your job or your family if you are not taking care of yourself. When we take care of ourselves, we are able to face life?s challenges at both home and at work. Total HR Management recommends that you employ these strategies in your own life while proposing them to your employees in order to maintain the excellence and future integrity of your business.



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