Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10-2-11 | Horse Plus Humane Society

Many of you remember Spero, this poor starved boy who came to us August 8th. Since Phoenix was rescued we had not seen such an emaciated horse.

His sad pleading face will forever be etched into the minds of those who saw him. ?He had sores all over his body, he had a body score of 1, he was at the point of death. ?He had a bad respiratory infection where he could hardly whinny. ?We hoped he would survive. ?Sometimes with horses that have been starved to this point internal damage has been done. ?All you can do is try your best, give them love, and let them pass on gently. ?But?

?less than 2 months later he is looking oh so good! ?It?s hard to believe this is really the same horse. ?He has bounced back from the brink of death so quickly, it is truly amazing. ?His topline still has to fill out, but he is gaining muscle, his ribs are almost completely gone, and he is stunning boy once again. ?His gelding operation is scheduled very soon, we had to wait until he gained enough wait to survive the operation.

We?ve been posting the same shot of Spero?s topline on Facebook and it truly amazing to see. ?To see more pictures of Spero, click here.

In our last blog we told you the story of?Cinnamon, who was reunited with his mom after many years of?separation. ?We got an update from?Cinnamon?s?mom recently. ?She says ?He is coming back around to being the horse I remember and love. The weight isn?t coming back as fast as I would like (totally forgot he HATES oil)!! But his demeanor is great!! Thank you again!!!? ??It?s amazing how much happier you can tell Cinnamon is. ?He still has a long ways to go with his weight gain, but his spirit is back.

Since the last blog many many things have happened. ?We were invited to have a complimentary booth in Chico for an event. ?Macho Man had so much fun visiting all the people. ?People were amazed to see such a cute friendly horse.

Jason and Tawnee had a huge adventure. ?Thanks to Pet Pardons, Sierra and Lakota found adopters all the way in New Mexico. ?It was a very long trip, but they have such a great home together. ?We are so?grateful?that Pet Pardons has such a great networking ability, and that they started accepting horses. ?If you are a shelter or rescue, put your animals on Pet Pardons! ?To visit Pet Pardons, click here.

One of the recent highlights was a birthday party at the shelter. ?The birthday girl wanted to have a spa day for the animals at the shelter. ?She brought a bunch of her friends and everyone had a great time.

Dottie really had fun playing in the water for her spa treatment. ?Of course she rolled shortly after getting her bath.

After the critters had their spa time there were some crafts. ?Everyone had such a fun enjoyable time. ?To see more pictures, click here.

There is a petition out that we believe is pretty important and will actually do some good. It is hosted by the Whitehouse (whitehouse.gov) and is a support for the ban of horse slaughter. ?If you love horses, sign the petition today! ?Click here.

Some people say ?Well, horse slaughter is a?necessarily?evil.? ?No, it?s not. ?Horse slaughter is completely?unnecessary, cruel and barbaric. ?Some people argue that they are a resource and we need to use them. ?The same argument could be used for dogs and cats in shelters. ?Many people eat dogs and cats, but as a nation we have said ?No!? ?Why? ?Because they are pets. ?Horses are our pets too, they are not livestock nor a resource, and they should never face the brutal trip to slaughter that ends so violently. ?This picture is taken from a news investigation. ?This is an extremely aged horse who no doubt gave his life serving people, then he was thrown away like trash. ?You can see the betrayal in his eyes as he stands moments away from a brutal death.

Tawnee visited an out of state feedlot last month and spoke with the operator. ?They are shipping 300 ? 400 horses every month up to a holding area in Montana where they are held for 90 days so they can say the horses are drug free. ?That is how they get around the European Union rules on drugged horse meat. ?We have no doubt in our mind that the horses are not held for 90 days, no doubt it is a?fictitious?paper trail. ?If nationwide anti-slaughter laws were passed, no doubt the killer buyers would try to find a way around it, but every law passed would save that many more horses from the brutality. ?These photos are taken from one of the best news investigations we have ever seen on the dirty little secret of horse slaughter. ?It is highly recommended that you watch this video, click here.

We have some great news that all you blog readers will no doubt love.? We are going to get the blog back as close as possible to daily as we can.? Our Facebook page is now the largest Facebook page for Horse Shelters / rescues.? We now are just 33 fans away from 16,000 Facebook readers!

The great thing about Facebook is that it is free.? The blog you may think is free, but it is not.? Just the email server is $75 a month. ?. It takes money to send thousands of emails a day. ?Then there?s hosting, etc etc. ?Then there is the time required to do the blog.? Jason and Tawnee have been volunteering their personal life for years to do the blog.? It takes Tawnee about 1 1/2 hours every evening to do the photo editing and get them all uploaded, then together they write the blog the next morning for about an hour.? It?s very time consuming, but it is the best way for you to experience the joys and sadness, the excitement and the sorrow, of the worlds most active horse shelter.? One of the reasons we opted to try putting the blog on a weekly or bi-weekly basis is with so many staff and volunteers it is hard to get the pictures every evening for the blog.? We will get that figured out and we hope to be back to normal blogs.? We may introduce new writers from our staff from time to time too.

If you enjoy reading the blog, which if you have gotten this far you do, you can help fund the blog by posting items for sale on Ebay and designating a part of the proceeds to help the horses. ?It is very simple, go to this page and add us as a favorite, the button is shown by the blue arrow. ?Click here.

You can designate from 10%-100% of the sale price to be donated to the shelter. ?Instead of shipping us items that you would like to donate, please post them on Ebay. ?We will be featuring Ebay items on our blog and Facebook. ?Post your items and get them seen!

Today?s Ebay Giving Works item is a Girls Old Navy red fleece pullover sweater just in time for winter. ?20% of the sale price goes to help the horses at the shelter! ?To view this item, click here.

Thank you for your support both emotionally and financially, we couldn?t do it without you.

Source: http://horsehumane.org/blog/2011/10/03/10-2-11/

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